Brownwood News – Brown County 4-H kids pulled in over $102,000 from the Fort Worth Stock Show Sale this past Saturday.
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According to Nick Gonzales, Brown County Extension Agent 4-H Coordinator, the following 4-H members sold their lambs and steers:
Madellyne Adams, who exhibited the Grand Champion Lamb of Fort Worth, sold it for $50,000.
Ashtyn Adams, who exhibited the Champion Dorper, sold it for $15,000.
Hayden Schroeder, who exhibited the Champion Fine Wool Cross, sold it for $15,000.
Ella Haynes, who won 3rd Place Class 3 European Cross Steers, sold her steer for $10,040.
Cate Smith, who had a 9th place Light-Weight American Steer, sold her steer for $12,708.
It was truly an impressive year for Brown County 4-H at the Fort Worth Stock Show.
Contestants are now on to San Angelo, San Antonio, Houston and Austin to finish out the big Texas stock shows this winter.