Brownwood News – The Brown County Extension Office was a very busy place Thursday afternoon as 32 members of Brown County 4-H gathered to make Christmas happier for several local families. They were wrapping boxes with Christmas paper then filling the boxes with stuffing mix, candied yams, potato mix, gravy, green beans, cranberry sauce, corn and brownie mix.
“This is the Brown County 4-H annual community service project in conjunction with Brown County Farm Bureau Board of Directors. It is a Christmas food box,” said Scott Anderson, County Extension Agent.
“4-H donates all the food, Farm Bureau and WalMart donate all the turkeys. This year, 79 food boxes are going to what is essentially the Family Services Center for families in need. We don’t know who the families are. We’ll fill 79 food boxes and deliver it to them in about two hours,” Anderson said.
Nevie Lord of May and Katie Harris of Brookesmith were two of the 4-H members helping to prepare the food boxes.
“This project means a lot to me. It’s something that I’ve always kind of looked forward to. It’s always a bunch of fun getting to see all the kids come together,” Lord said. For her part, Katie knows the families that receive the boxes will appreciate them. “I really love having that feeling,” Katie said.
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