Written by Ben Cox – It’s time to recognize the people that make our lives easier, to shine a spotlight on the men and women of our community that work for us, even if we never know it. We present to you “Civic Spotlight.”
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This edition of the spotlight focuses on someone who makes sure everything that is supposed to be in place is, and keeps her “i”s dotted and “t”s crossed, Brownwood City Secretary Christi Wynn.
A 19 year employee with the City of Brownwood, Wynn is a Brownwood native who graduated from Brownwood high school along with her husband, Joey. The couple have two girls, ages 5 and (almost) 7 who like crafting with their mom.
Wynn started as the receptionist for City Hall in 1999, spending three years in that position before taking on the Deputy City Secretary position for seven year. Wynn assumed the duties of her current position in 2009.
Wynn says its the people that keep her coming back to her day to day activities. “This is my home, we have a lot of great people here and I love it here. This is my family, I just enjoy it here.”
In a position not everyone is cut out for, Wynn excels, being awarded the 2017 Municipal Clerk of the year from the Bluebonnet Chapter of the Texas Registered Municipal Clerks Association. Wynn is also the current president of that chapter and has also been nominated for 2018 Clerk of the year.
Wynn is responsible for maintaining city records, including zoning, elections, alcohol permits, titles for all city owned vehicles and bids. “I do a lot of typing, a lot of scanning, and really a lot of paperwork all around.”
One part of her job is an attempt to eliminate the paper aspect of the job. “We’re trying to go paperless and I am helping other departments to head in that direction.”
The paperless push has been a five year process, with one of the hardest parts being the inception of the program. Wynn says there were many challenges to get it started “how to have the right space for it, where to store it and what kind of storage. We worked very closely with IT on that.”
Civil service is also in her blood, as her grandmother was the Junction City Secretary. Her mother, who now “lives around the corner” from Wynn, served as a City Council member in Junction as well. “My grandmother used to tell me stories of when she was City Secretary, and she was so proud when I got the position as well” says Wynn.
Thank you for keeping the “i”s dotted and “t”s crossed Christi, the City of Brownwood is a better place for your service. If you know of someone who should be highlighted in our Civic Spotlight, please send an email to [email protected] with their contact information and a brief description of why you think they should be featured.
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