Special Release – The Aldersgate Enrichment Center will host its second annual Easter Eggstravaganza event on Saturday, April 1st, beginning at 8 a.m. at 5001 Hwy 183/84 East in Early. Activities during the Eggstravaganza will include a special needs egg hunt, an egg run obstacle course, silent auction, egg roulette tournament, and a cheer performance.
“This event was inspired by the need for an Easter Egg hunt for special needs kids in our community,” says Marshall Thornhill with Aldersgate. “We will have a Special Hunt and indoor carnival for them. We will also have a 3-mile obstacle course called the Advocare Egg Run that we are making the featured event of the day. There are 12 obstacles and lots of mud, dirt, and fun! There is also an Egg Roulette Tournament hosted by KOXE.”
For more information, please call 325-646-5608 or visit www.easterataldersgate.com
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Aldersgate is a local program that provides a secure, supervised living environment for mildly to moderately mentally challenged adults. They are licensed by the Texas Department of Human Services as a type “A” personal care home. Each Group Home has a common living, dining, and activity area with a full kitchen, washer, and dryer. Aldersgate’s primary focus is on each Associate, while living in the homes, and or working in the Vocational Programs. This focus helps them to become self-sufficient, to know their self-worth and to develop the ability to reach their potential in all aspects of their lives.
Aldersgate currently employs seventy-two Associates who provide quality services to regional businesses like Kohler, Texas Department of Transportation, DanHil Containers, 3M, and the State of Texas. These partnerships offer semi-skilled work opportunities and training that maximizes each Associate’s abilities and interests. Services and production include: cardboard box assembly, parts packaging, carpentry, HVAC filter manufacture, document shredding, recycling, state park maintenance and highway litter removal, and landscaping.
Schedule of Events:
8:00am- 10:00am: Advocare Egg Run Registration
8:00am- 11:30am: Silent Auction
8:00am- 12:00pm: Aktion Club Concession Stand
9:00am: Texas Bank Kids’ Corner
9:30am: The ARC Special Needs Hunt
10:00am: Pictures with Al the Easter Bunny
10:00am: Advocare Egg Run Start
10:30am: KOXE Egg Roulette Tournament
TBD: Seals Gymnastics Special Performance