Funeral services for Efrain Almodova, 50, will be held at 3 p.m. Saturday, October 15, 2016 at Heartland Funeral Home in Early. He passed away Friday, September 23, 2016 while holding the hand of his dearly loved best friend and wife of 26 years, Deborah. He lost his life due to a terminal brain tumor.
He was born April 3, 1966 in Seminole. He is survived by his wife, Deborah of Early; his mother, Syria of Midland; his siblings Bernie of Seminole, Benny of Midland, Benjamin and Eliberto of Alpine, Belinda, Bessie, Blanca, Belen, Bonnie Almodova Williams, and Brenda Salas all of Midland; and many nieces and nephews, along with his beloved dog, Zoe.
Efrain was a warm-hearted and tireless worker both for TxDOT where he worked for 26 years, most recently as Maintenance Supervisor Brownwood District, and in the local English congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses where he served as an elder for many years.
He took great pride in caring for his home and property, which he affectionately called “Los Arbolitos” where he and his wife lived for over a decade. He enjoyed busying himself with projects around the home, including woodwork and leatherwork, which allowed him to unwind and brought him a sense of contentment.
In lieu of flowers, we kindly ask that if any donations wish to be made they be directed to the worldwide work of Jehovah’s Witnesses at This is a work that Efrain wholeheartedly supported both monetarily and in the way he led his life.