Brownwood Police Department, Early Police Department and Brown County Sheriff’s Office presented representatives of Good Samaritan Ministries with over 1500 cans of tuna collected at National Night Out parties held throughout the county Tuesday evening.
Residential block parties were entered into a contest to see who could raise the most tuna donations. The winner of the contest will receive the coveted “Tuna trophy,” which is a traveling award which was first awarded in 2015.
In addition to these 1500 cans collected by residential block parties, local businesses also held parties and canned tuna drives. United Supermarkets placed donation boxes by each of their registers and their food drive was received so well, that store officials extended the drive through Friday, according to Brownwood Assistant Chief of Police James Fuller. A total of the donations from residential parties and donations at business parties and food drives will most likely be announced on Monday, according to Fuller.
Good Samaritan Ministries Executive Director Leesa Stephens estimates that over 2000 cans of tuna have been gathered in support of the Brown County National Night Out effort.
“Protein is one of the most expensive items that we use in our food pantry, so anytime we can get donations of a lean, quality protein like tuna that will benefit everyone that takes advantage of the Good Samaritan’s services, then it’s a ‘win-win’ for us,” said Stephens. “That way we can have our funds to purchase the other items. Right now some of the foods that are expensive and hard to come by are canned fruits, so when we get donations of tuna, we can use our resources for other items.”
Stephens expressed appreciation for the large donation from the community, stating that community was “what it is all about.”
“Good Samaritan is very proud to partner with law enforcement for the National Night Out tuna drive because it gives us the opportunity to connect all of the community,” Stephens stated. “That is our goal for the coming year, to see our community in unity. As we work not only on National Night Out but also Hunger Awareness Month, which is October, we are sponsoring a food drive and it is an opportunity for all of us to come together as neighbors helping neighbors.”
Pictured above are EPD Chief David Mercer, GSM Communications Director Misty Bowers, BCSO Captain James Stroope, GSM Executive Director Leesa Stephens, BSCO Corporal Joe Thomas, GSM Assistant Director Heather Thomas, BPD Assistant Chief James Fuller, BCSO Chief Deputy Vance Hill, and Brownwood Chief of Police Terry Nichols.