Brownwood City Council Agenda
Regular Called Meeting
9:00 a.m., Tuesday, August 23, 2016
Council Chambers, City Hall
501 Center Avenue, Brownwood, Texas
The City Council of the City of Brownwood, Texas, reserves the right to meet in closed, executive session on any of the items listed below should the need arise and if authorized by Title 5, Chapter 551, of the Texas Government Code.
The City Council may deliberate and/or act on the following items:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Items to be withdrawn
5. Introductions, Announcements, and Recognitions
6. Citizen Presentations
Any citizen who desires to address the City Council on a matter not included on the agenda may do so at this time. The City Council may not deliberate on items presented under this agenda item. To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Council respectfully requests that prior to addressing Council that each person submit a citizen presentation form that is located at the entryway to the Council Chambers, stating your name, address, and topic of presentation. All presentations are subject to a five (5) minute time limit.
7. Approval of Minutes
A. Regular Called Meeting – August 9, 2016
8. Claims and Accounts
9. Public Hearing
A. Council shall hold a public hearing on the proposed City of Brownwood budget for FY 2016/17 to receive input from the public. Council may set a date for formal adoption of the budget ordinance on first reading on September 20, 2016 (Special Called meeting) and on second and third reading on September 27, 2016 (Regular Council meeting).
B. Council shall discuss the tax rate for FY 2016/17. Since the proposed tax rate of $.7463 per $100 value exceeds the effective tax rate, Council shall take a vote for record on the proposal to consider a tax increase and may set a date to adopt the rate on September 20, 2016 (first reading) and September 27, 2016 (second & third readings). Council may schedule public hearings on the tax rate on September 6, 2016 and September 13, 2016.
10. Requests and Presentations
A. Consider the confirmation of the City Manager’s appointment of Henry Wied as the Utility Director.
B. Consider accepting offers to purchase the following City properties located at: 102 Brinkley, 415 S. Broadway, 518 S. Broadway, 707 Beaver, 710 Austin Avenue, 813 Avenue B, 1120 Brewster Street, 1203 Brewster Street, 1800 Shaw, Brinkley Street BCAD No. 54258, Brinkley Street BCAD No. 54266, Epley Street BCAD No. 54251, 1117 Belle Plain, Brewster Street BCAD No. 54296, Neumann Street BCAD No. 54254, 401 Cordell Street and 901 Brewster, and authorize the City Manager to sign Property Contracts with each bidder and execute any documents necessary to sell the properties.
11. Ordinances and Resolutions
A. Consider an Ordinance on first reading establishing a No Parking/Tow Away Zone along both sides of Market Place Boulevard being 175’ East of Clements Street for 265’.
12. Bids
A. Consider authorizing the downtown hot mix project and authorize the City Manager to execute any change orders.
13. Appointments
A. Consider Mayoral appointments to the Brownwood Housing Authority.
14. Reports
A. Budgetary Control Reports
B. The City of Brownwood will be closed for Labor Day, Monday, September 5, 2016.