Tuesday, May 31st – 6:00 AM Update – Brownwood City Manager Emily Crawford released the following update:
Lake Brownwood is now at 1429.65′ and has not stopped rising. The Pecan Bayou in Brownwood is quickly rising. The following additional streets are now closed:
Riverside Drive at Commerce
Market Street at Market Place Blvd.
CC Woodson from S. Broadway to Williams Ranch Road
See below for sand bag information.
The public is urged to avoid these high water areas as water is rising quickly and is rapid.
6:00 PM Update: Brownwood City Manager Emily Crawford released the following update regarding flood conditions.
The Brownwood/Brown County Emergency Operations Center is now at Level III (Increased Readiness) for monitoring flood conditions. The National Weather Service has predicted that the lake will crest at 1430′ after 7:00 AM on Tuesday. The Pecan Bayou in Brownwood is projected to continue to rise through Wednesday morning. There is no expected heavy rainfall tonight; however, the forecast calls for rainfall Tuesday through Thursday, with a high chance of heavy rain Tuesday night through Wednesday morning. Ground conditions are saturated; so additional rainfall will advance flooding conditions.
A sand bag station is available to the public at the former Higginbotham’s location at 1500 Center Ave. It is a self-service station, so be prepared to bag and load your own. Bring shovels and gloves. Businesses, residences and properties prone to flooding should take precautionary measures.
There are currently no streets closed in Brownwood, but barricades are staged and ready. Riverside, Fabis and Lednicky Parks remain closed. TxDOT has a traffic diversion plan in place, should State Highways be closed. The Brownwood/Brown County Health Department, Red Cross, Salvation Army, and CERT are prepared to mobilize for food, water and shelter if needed.
Current road closures in the County are:
CR 411
CR 114
CR 574
CR 441
CR 425
CR 105
CR 120
CR 257 (10 mile)
CR 108
CR 121
CR 122
CR 123
Riverside Drive at Commerce
Market Street at Market Place Blvd.
CC Woodson from S. Broadway to Williams Ranch Road
Emergency services personnel are continually monitoring water levels in town. People are advised to stay away from high rushing water, especially onlookers at bridges. Do not go around barricades!
Original article: Due to substantial rainfall overnight in the watershed, Lake Brownwood water level is rising, according to City Manager Emily Crawford. It is currently 1427.20’. The National Weather Service is predicting the lake to crest between 1429.7’ and 1429.9’ Tuesday morning. It may be as high as 1429’ by this evening (Monday). This level is over 1 foot higher than this past Saturday. Should the lake crest at the predicted height, the Pecan Bayou will flow higher in town, and likely flood roads, bridges and properties in the immediate vicinity of the Pecan Bayou.
A sand bag station is available to the public at the former Higginbotham’s location at 1500 Center Ave. It is a self-service station, so the public should be prepared to bag and load their own sand bags. City officials remind citizens to bring shovels and gloves. Businesses, residences and properties prone to flooding should take precautionary measures.
There are currently no street closures. Riverside and Fabis Parks remain closed. Emergency services personnel are currently monitoring water levels in town. People are advised to stay away from high rushing water, especially onlookers at bridges. Do not go around barricades!
As updates are available, they will be issued via press releases to the media, City website www.brownwoodtexas.gov, City of Brownwood and Brownwood/Brown County Emergency Management Facebook pages, and Code Red alerts.