The Young Leaders of Brown County (YLBC) recently held a clean-up day at several rural cemeteries. The group worked on May 21st to clear markers of veterans at the cemeteries to honor those fallen and to pay respects prior to Memorial Day.
YLBC Board Members Katie M. Fabian, Natasha Goerdel and Amber Schroepfer, with the help of Jennifer Barberie from the Brownwood Chamber of Commerce, met at 8:00 a.m. in the Brownwood High School parking lot with their weed eaters, garden tools, cleaning supplies and American flags in hand. These ladies made it around to three rural cemeteries: Cedar Point and Jordan Springs in Brownwood and Clear Creek in Bangs.
“It is an unfortunate reality how those that have lived brave lives to serve our state and country can be forgotten at times,” said Natasha Goerdel in a press release. “The priority made to visit these gravesites can get pushed aside due to the hustle and bustle of our everyday professional and family lives. Although this may not be the intent, it is consequently the outcome.”
The ladies quickly went to work cleaning the veterans’ markers. Cleaning entailed trimming back the overgrown grass and weeds, sweeping off excess dirt and debris and rinsing with water. Each service member’s stone was then marked with an American flag.
“The YLBC wished to volunteer their time so these families could enjoy as they visit their loved ones this Memorial Day weekend,” Goerdel said. “It is the YLBC’s hope that if an American flag is spotted at a service member’s grave stone, it brings a smile to your face and peace to your heart. Thank you to all the men and women who died while serving our country’s armed forces.”
Pictured are Natasha Goerdel, Amber Schroepfer and Katie M. Fabian during their clean-up day.