The following poem was written by Cheyanne, an eighth grader at Brownwood Middle School. She recently shared this poem with the Military and Family Support Group along with Vetrans Services.
In honor of May being National Military Appreciation Month, this poem was thought to be quite appropriate. Thanks for sharing with us Cheyanne.
In writing this poem Cheyanne noted, “I really take to heart what these brave men and woman do for our country. I mean it’s their LIVES! on the line. So let’s all just take a little time to honor that….. because what if it was you!?”
Call of Duty
by: Cheyanne Dodd
the gun shots ring out
on the bloody battlefield.
running on the verge of sanity
no time to stop,
no thought to yield.
bombs above us are blown then explode.
tears fall as we watch
our new-made friends
bravely go.
they never told, or warned us that
this was what it was gonna really be like.
day after day.
drill after drill.
now we constantly worry,
“what if this is our last meal?”
some see us as “heroes”
but will we ever claim that name?
return from this other world?
no one knows.
we stand up and fight
we sleep little, if any, at night.
we’ll always answer the call of another.
and honor the dead.
another fallen brother.
tough as nails,
strong as boulders.
on the outside we’re normal,
but at heart
we’ll always be
American solders!
Note: Cheyenne Dodds’ mother wrote a note about the poem, “We have friends Rhonda and Bryan Denson here in Brownwood who have three children, Bryan is in the National Guard and is about to do his third tour in Iraq . Cheyanne really thinks a lot of Bryan and he was the inspiration for this poem.” It should also be noted that Cheyenne has recently had surgery due to a medical condition she was born with and has had multiple surgeries to survive. She is “tough as nails”, according to friends and family.