Notice is hereby given that a regular meeting of the BROWN COUNTY COMMISSIONERS COURT will convene on the 5th day of October, 2015 at 9:00 A.M., in the Brown County Commissioners Courtroom:
A. Opening Prayer
B. Reading and approval of Minutes
C. Recognition of Visitors
D. Matter of New Business to be presented to the Court for its consideration and action as appropriate. Items may not be taken in the order that they are listed.
1. Joel Kelton, Pct 2 – Consideration and possible approval of action regarding burn ban;
2. Scott Anderson, Extension Agent – Consideration and possible approval of Proclamation declaring October 5th through October 12th as National 4-H Week;
3. Dale Henderson, Owens Extension Education Club – Consideration and possible approval of Texas Extension Association Proclamation;
4. Eric Bishop, Bangs City Manager – Consideration and possible approval of BEDC Progress Park Subdivision Plat;
5. Sheriff’s Office – Employee changes;
6. Don King, County Surveyor – Consideration and possible approval for County Surveyor to get authorization to file one lot subdivisions;
7. Vance Hill, Sheriff’s Office – Consideration and possible approval for purchase of ammunitions;
8. Vance Hill, Sheriff’s Office – Consideration and possible approval to replace the part time courthouse security position to a full time position;
9. Larry Franks, Elections – Consideration and possible approval of precincts for November 3, 2015 Special Election;
10. Wayne Shaw, Pct 3 – Consideration and possible approval of reimbursement for legal fees;
E. Reports
F. Consideration and Approval of bills
G. Approval of Treasurer’s/Auditor’s Report
H. Adjournment or recess
Supplemental Agenda
A. Opening Prayer
B. Reading and approval of Minutes
C. Recognition of Visitors
D. Matter of New Business to be presented to the Court for its consideration and action as appropriate. Items may not be taken in the order that they are listed.
1. Ray West, County Judge – Consideration and possible approval of Interlocal Agreement between Brown County and the Regional Public Defender for Capital Cases (Lubbock County);
E. Reports
F. Consideration and Approval of bills
G. Approval of Treasurer’s/Auditor’s Report
H. Adjournment or recess