The Ladies Auxiliary of VFW Post 3278 made a donation to the Brownwood Regional Medical Center Walker Cancer Center patient fund on Thursday afternoon.
The donation of $1,000 will help fund assistance to cancer patients who may need money for travel expenses, wigs, medical supplies or to pay for utility bills when they have been out of work during treatment.
The fund is not able to help defer medical treatment costs; however, help with the smaller expenses often makes a difference for patients receiving treatment, according to the center’s social worker Gayle Hightower.
Ladies Auxiliary members explained that the donation was possible through funds raised from their weekly bingo and other fundraisers the members hold. 90% of the fundraisers are possible due to their bingo games that are open to the public and held at 6:00 p.m. each Saturday at the VFW Post located at 2300 Stephen F. Austin in Brownwood.
Although the VFW members give to a national fund for VFW cancer grants to help members when they receive a diagnosis of cancer, they also like to contribute to local cancer patients.
“We like to give to the Walker Cancer Center because the funds stay local,” said Margaret Kerby, auxiliary treasurer. She explained that when the auxiliary donates nationally, the funds go to cancer research, of which only 20% remains in Texas and is given to research at facilities such as M.D. Anderson.
By giving to the local cancer center, members know patients receive direct relief of some of their financial needs when undergoing treatment. Kerby herself along with auxiliary president Jane Masters are both cancer survivors and can relate to the need patients face with additional costs of treatment and travel expenses.
Those wishing to individually support local patients through this fund may send donations to the Walker Cancer Center, 1501 Burnet Drive, Brownwood, Texas 76801.
Pictured above (from left) are VFW Ladies Auxiliary members Margaret Kerby, Debbie Daniel and Jane Masters along with Cancer Center representatives Gail Hightower, Leta Salazar, and Lisa Birrell as the check presentation was made.