SALSA, the Strategic Alliance for Leadership and Social Action, held its Annual Meeting at Wiggins Park, Friday, September 27, at 6:00 pm, celebrating its fifth anniversary.
At the meeting, Raul Martinez, the current president announced that he would not be seeking reelection, preferring instead to step aside and allow someone else to lead the organization but remain as an active member.
Accepting his decision, the group elected Giovanna Garcia to a two-year term as its new president-elect. Martinez will complete his term on December 31,2024, and Garcia will assume office on January 1, 2025.
A meeting of its Board of Directors was held later that evening. Dr. Juan Andrade, SALSA Co-founder, announced his resignation as a member of the organization’s Board of Directors. He said, “During the past five years, SALSA has engaged in several collaborative endeavors with city officials leading to improvements that will endure for generations. While much more remains to be done, SALSA has earned the credibility and respect needed to serve as a viable advocate for additional community improvements, which can be achieved with new voices at the table. It’s been an honor and a privilege to work alongside local conscientious leaders who really care about serving the Mexican American community, beautifying Brownwood, and making local government more responsive to the needs of all its taxpaying citizens.”