Early ISD through their After School Centers on Education (ACE) Program will host several activities for the families and students involved in the ACE Program at no cost.
Zumba (for beginners): Wednesdays at 4:30 at Brownwood Fitness Center
Zumba: Each Monday beginning Jan. 19th at 5:30 at Brownwood Fitness Center.
(Childcare is available through BFC for $1.00 per child per class)
Texas AgriLife Foods & Nutrition Luncheon
The seminar is a 3 part series held Wednesdays, January 14, 21, 28th at the noon hour at the Texas Ag. Extension Office at 605 Fisk in Brownwood. This series presents information on planning and eating a healthy breakfast, snacks and meals. A FREE lunch is served to those that attend. Those wanting to participate should call the ACE office at or Kerri Jacobson @325-998-1422 to reserve a seat.
Parenting Teens Wisely
This is a 10 week course held on Tuesday evenings 5:15 to 6:15 p.m. at Early ISD. The course presents guidance and solutions for common problematic situations such as teens helping with chores, stepchild/stepparent conflicts, getting up on time, improving academic performance, peers, negative influences, curfews, criticizing, arguing, and handling technology issues. Registration deadline is Thursday, January 22. Registration forms can be picked up at any of the ACE campus sites or at the ACE office located on the Primary Campus. Those interested can also contact Kerri Jacobson at numbers listed below for additional info and registration.
ACE staff states that CPR certification classes, ESL, GED and other classes are planned for the near future.
For more information about the ACE Program, please contact the ACE office 325-643-2919.