Brownwood City Council Regular Called Meeting
9:00 am., Tuesday, July 23, 2024 Council Chambers, City Hall
501 Center Avenue, Brownwood, Texas
The City Council may deliberate and/or act on the following items:
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Invocation
4. Items to be withdrawn
5. Introductions, Announcements, and Recognitions
6. Citizen Presentations
Any citizen who desires to address the City Council on a matter not included on the agenda may do so at this time. The City Council may not deliberate on items presented under this agenda item. To comply with the provisions of the Open Meetings Act, the Council respectfully requests that before addressing the Council each person submit a citizen presentation form that is located at the entryway to the Council Chambers, stating your name, address, and topic of presentation. All presentations are subject to a five-minute time limit.
7. Approval of Minutes
A. Regular Called Meeting, July 9, 2024.
8. Claims and Accounts
9. Public Hearing
A. Conduct a public hearing concerning parks and recreation needs and submitting a grant application to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
10. Ordinances and Resolutions
A. Discuss and take action to adopt a resolution designating authorized officials and submitting a Local Parks Grant to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.
B. Consider an ordinance on first reading granting a franchise to Atmos Energy Corporation to operate a gas delivery, transportation, and distribution system in the City of Brownwood.
11. Requests and Presentations
A. Consider a proposed variable width transmission line easement from Oncor Electric for 1.612 acres or 70,224 square foot section of undeveloped property that runs adjacent to the existing pecan orchard off CC Woodson Road.
12. Reports
A. Budgetary Control Report
B. Investment Report
13. Executive Session:
The City Council may convene into a closed executive session in the Haynes Conference Room, pursuant to the provisions of the Open Meetings Law, Chapter 551, Government Code Vernon’s Annotated, in accordance with the authority contained in the following section:
Section 551.071 – Consultation with Attorney
Section 551.072 – Deliberation regarding real property
A. Consider sale of property at 808 Main Street.
14. Action as a result of the Executive Session
Council may take any action deemed necessary as a result of the Executive Session.
15. Adjournment