Brownwood Regional Airport Board
2:00 p.m. Wednesday July 24th, 2024 City Council Chambers, City Hall
501 Center Avenue, Brownwood, Texas
1. Call to order
- Pledge of Allegiance
- Invocation
- Approve the minutes from March 27,2024
- Manager reports
a. Financial report
b. Operations Report and Quarterly plane count
- Action Items
a. Establish Minimum Standards, Rules and Regulations, and hangar use policy committee
b. Alan Jenkins would like to put a separate meter on one of his hangars
c. Fee increases
d. Review Agricultural Lease Agreements and consider updating to FAA recommended guidelines AC 150/5200-33C
e. Accept donation of GPU from John Harkey
- Non-Action Items
a. Lease Agreement out for bids in August
b. Establishing an Airport Emergency Plan (AEP)
- Agenda Items for next Meeting
- Adjournment