By Bill Yeager
The American Legion has four Pillars: Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation, National Security, Americanism, and Children and Youth.
Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation:
CAMP LEJEUNE JUSTICE ACT: Individuals who were exposed to toxic water at Camp Lejeune for at least 30 days between 1953 and 1987. The claimant must file an administrative claim before: AUGUST 10TH, 2024. The following documents are important in filing a claim: Documents proving residence at Camp Lejeune, Military service records indicating dates and locations served, Medical records and diagnoses, and other documents that may be helpful. The attorney firm selected by the American Legion is Bergmann & Moore to assist members in filing a claim. They can be reached at 877-838-2889 or their website:
The VA (Veterans Affairs) has been working to streamline the GI Bill by creating and building a digital platform, one that would fit the veterans’ needs rather than forcing them to meet the VA’s needs. There are changes being made to upgrade the system that processes education payments making it more efficient. The education benefit upgrades can be found at VA.GOV, where they offer same day eligibility determination and a digital certificate of eligibility, which reduces the time for one to arrive by mail. Nearly 800,000 veterans are currently using the digital platform, according to the VA.
Children and Youth:
The American Legion in 2023 awarded $14,737,702.35 in scholarships, locally and nationally. This year, American Legion Post #196 provided two $500 monetary scholarships to graduating Brownwood High School students. American Legion Post #196 will be sending two representatives to Boys State and two representatives to Girls State this year. The representatives are from Brownwood High School, current Junior class. Participants learn the rights, privileges and responsibilities of franchised citizens. The training centers on the structure of city, county and state governments. Activities
include legislative sessions, court proceedings, law-enforcement presentations, assemblies, bands, choruses and recreational programs. American Legion Post #196 also recently made a monetary donation to support the Boys and Girls Club -Brownwood.
American Legion Post #196 recently participated in the Memorial Day activities at the Central Texas Veterans Memorial Park and made a monetary donation to the Central Texas Veterans Memorial Park. Supporting these facets of the American Legion is among the top priorities of American Legion Post #196 mission; The lives of the veterans, their families and our community.
Contributing articles: The American Legion Magazine June 2024.
American Legion Post #196 is located at 1600 Burnett, across from Hendrick Hospital, in Memorial Park. Post meetings are the second Tuesday of each month. A meal is provided at 1800 hours followed by a Post meeting at 1900 hours. In each upcoming article, I will recognize local businesses who support our veterans: Texas Clean, Moore Printing, Central Texas Farm Credit, Higginbotham Painter and Johnson Financials, and Advantage Office Products. Thank you for your support.
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Yesterday we served our country, Today we serve our Community
Bill Yeager is the Current Commander of American Legion Post #196 and
American Legion District #21 Finance Officer.