Brown County United Way will host their annual campaign kick-off event from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, September 24th at Underwood’s Cafeteria to begin their fundraising efforts to benefit local non-profit organizations.
The Underwood family will open their doors during lunch on Wednesday, a day they are usually closed, in order to support the United Way. Underwood’s will be donating 100% of the proceeds from this event directly to the Brown County United Way. So plan to come, have lunch and support your local United Way.
The Brown County United Way supports the following organizations in our community: American Red Cross, The Ark Domestic Violence Shelter, Boys & Girls Club, Big Brothers Big Sisters, Girl Scouts of Central Texas, Latch Key, Mid-Texas Council on Alcohol & Drug Abuse, Family Services Center, CASA, Cancer Services Network, Salvation Army Loaves & Fishes, 4-H and Brown County Association for Retarded Citizens.
For more information about the campaign kick-off luncheon or to make a donation to the United Way, contact Karen Lynch with the Brown County United Way at 325-643-5084.