A Republican Candidates Forum, organized by the Brown County Republican Party, took place Thursday evening at Victory Life Church. The event featured introductory and closing comments, along with question-and-answer sessions, with candidates for Brown County County Commissioner in Precincts 1 and 3, and Justice of the Peace in Precinct 1.
The following are excerpts from the questions answered by the candidates for County Commissioner in Precinct 3 – incumbent Wayne Shaw, Pat McLaughlin III, Jeff Primrose and Pat Drew. Candidate David ‘Doc’ Reid was unable to attend due to a family emergency, according to event emcee J.R. Williams.
Wayne Shaw
What is your definition of a full-time commissioner?
It’s absolutely a full-time position. I’m on call 24 hours a day as long as I have this phone. I meet with my road crew every morning and we discuss what we’re going to do, what needs to be done, what needs to be looked at. I’m very available to anybody. I spend good deal of time at the courthouse checking on bills and trying to keep current on what we can and can’t do. Every day I’m driving some part of our rural county checking on things and seeing what needs to be done. There’s always something that needs to be done folks, don’t think there’s not. I’ve got a really good crew and they’re out on it everyday. We’re working hard for you. It is full-time, no doubt about it.
What’s your opinion about tax abatements for wind and solar projects if those come around in the future, as well as the $20 million bond election for the YMCA?
We put the bond election in the people’s court. It’s a good project, and where they’re going to put it happens to be my precinct, which I’d like for that to happen, but it remains to be seen what the people want. I’ll be happy with whatever they decide. If they do decide to vote for it then I’d like think they’ll have enough membership to fund it and keep it up. After five years, if it’s not, we’ll have to look at it again and see what we need to do and maybe put it before the people again.
As far as the tax abatements, if something comes into the county that’s going to bring a lot of good jobs like 3M and Superior Essex, I imagine they got a tax abatement but I’m not sure. Some of the energy companies might be a good deal and they might not, you never know. I know they’re a good windfall for the land owners, you can get life changing money if they get leases. The one at Brookesmith, I was for giving them an abatement because it was going to bring real good money to the land owners and the schools were going to benefit greatly. It got voted down but they’re going on with the project anyway and that’s a great thing.
What are your thoughts on allegations of mistakes made in the county budgeting process, specifically raises to elected county official, and what can be done to make the budget process more efficient and proper in the future?
There was a little oversight, the county judge thought he had something turned in but it turned out he didn’t, and he didn’t do it on purpose. I’m not going to blame him, it was a little mistake and he was new. We want back and fixed it and everything is on the up and up. Sometimes things happen that are accidents, nothing on purpose and no malice about it.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
There’s not a whole of difference in any of us because we have the best interest of the county in mind. The fact is I’ve been doing it, I’ve already proven I can do it and they really haven’t shown me they have anything to bring to the table that’s not being done and done well. That’s a decision you have to make, but I believe there’s not any point in trying to fix something that’s not broke. I’m sure they all have good intentions, but I’ve proven I can do it and do it well.
Wayne Shaw’s Bio page on Brownwoodnews.com
Pat McLaughlin III
What is your definition of a full-time commissioner?
Currently I’m working in the county judge’s office full-time. Full-time for most people is 40 hours, but as a county commissioner you carry a phone, you stay in contact you and you answer the calls no matter what time of the day or night they come through. The position is a full-time position.
What’s your opinion about tax abatements for wind and solar projects if those come around in the future, as well as the $20 million bond election for the YMCA?
In no way would I tell any property owner that they could not have solar or wind energy. But for the energy company to expect you guys to subsidize bringing that to their properties to help pay and put more money into the people’s pockets that are running the program, and they’re only going to bring two or three full-time jobs to Brown County, I’d have to say no. They’d have to a have a whole lot more jobs. We said no to the solar abatement and they still came anyway.
I applaud Early, yes a YMCA anywhere in Brown County would be wonderful, but Early took the bull by the horns. I think that having a YMCA in this area would be a feather in our cap and the factories and large corporations that are trying to draw executives to this area, it’s another thing in the package to bring higher-wage involved people to come this area, stay here and plant roots and continue to pay taxes and become part of the community. The YMCA is a great deal and I think it’s wonderful we’re letting Brown County citizens vote on it instead of four people at a table saying yes, you’re going to pay more taxes.
What are your thoughts on allegations of mistakes made in the county budgeting process, specifically raises to elected county official, and what can be done to make the budget process more efficient and proper in the future?
It sounds like the Commissioners Court felt like they had all the information right and was able to make decision and at the last minute found out things were not as they thought. They’re human beings, they made a mistake and went back and fixed it. They didn’t hide it, it was out in the news and some people know about it. I don’t see that they did anything wrong. What would have been wrong would be to hide the fact they made a mistake. Sometimes human beings make mistakes but you have to stand up and own up to them and be a man.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
I have a combination of administrative experience and working with construction. I grew up in a construction family, I’ve been involved with the building of the BCI building and I worked with tenants in building that out. I’ve rarely missed a Commissioners Court meeting and I’ve been involved with quite a bit of the things that go on in Commissioners Court. I’ve been involved with FEMA, I have a great relationship with the Texas Department of Emergency Management. I’ve been recognized with the ICS 100, 200, 300 and 400 for advanced emergency issues to be able to help organize in the event of problems in Brown County. I have been involved with the renovations of county buildings, I’ve taken on things such as being the point man for the active shooter trainings for our law enforcement which we held at Zephyr High School and Blanket High School. I’ve raised, through grants, funding for a replacement van for the VA to and from Temple for the medical issues they have. I’m looking forward to being your new commissioner from Precinct 3.
Pat McLaughlin’s Bio page on Brownwoodnews.com
Jeff Primrose
What is your definition of a full-time commissioner?
During my career I was on call whenever there was a need, be it weather, or an emergency, so that would be nothing new to me. I would be on call not just for call of duty but for communication as well. That is so key, that line of communication, none of this works without communication. Also, I’ve maintained my Class A CDL so if they needed help moving a load from Place A to Place B I could jump in if they were short-handed and willing to let me drive their trucks.
What’s your opinion about tax abatements for wind and solar projects if those come around in the future, as well as the $20 million bond election for the YMCA?
I’ll start with the bond first and I, too, think it ought to go before the voters, I think it’s a great idea, let them have their say. But I do hope they weigh the concerns of the cost outweighing the income over that. You have the cost of increasing your taxes and the cost of your memberships and then other costs that might come along. But more so I heard some thoughts in that town meeting about why are we rushing into this, why not move it to November because there were several other topics brought up that need to be voted on as well. Give the voters of choice of A, B and C, or A or B or C for the other topics of interest that could better the community also.
On abatements, I’m not for the solar or wind abatements if it’s only going to bring in one job here, two jobs there. We need to look at that. They usually do more damage to our land than they bring in, as far as an increase, so with that I’d have to say no on those.
What are your thoughts on allegations of mistakes made in the county budgeting process, specifically raises to elected county official, and what can be done to make the budget process more efficient and proper in the future?
First I’d have to ask if we were unsure before voting if we could not have just tabled the motion until we got the answer and just move forward once we got that answer. Moving forward let’s check and see if we have all our I’s dotted and t’s crossed before acting on something in the future.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
I’m must going to speak on behalf of myself and say if I was elected to office then I’m going to hear the people, truly listen and not just hear. In my career I was groomed that you’re not just punching a time clock from 8 to 5, you’re on call. I’ll be there for the constituents and I’ll do my best to try and be a good steward of their money. The first thing I will do is decline the health benefits and retirement package that way that money can go the budget to be used elsewhere.
Jeff Primrose’s Bio Page on Brownwoodnews.com
Pat Drew
What is your definition of a full-time commissioner?
I look forward to serving the people of Brown County. I’m very excited about climbing on a maintainer and doing the work myself, training people, whatever needs to be done. I look forward to working on the budgets, I look forward to whatever needs to be done. I’m going to be a full-time commissioner for Brown County Precinct 3, you can count on it.
What’s your opinion about tax abatements for wind and solar projects if those come around in the future, as well as the $20 million bond election for the YMCA?
I apologize I don’t know that much about abatements, I will learn. I’m looking forward to seeing how the voters come out and vote for the YMCA. The Early City Council did an answer job of presenting that to the voters. It seems like a worthy project and it’s up to the voters. I can’t wait to see how that turns out.
What are your thoughts on allegations of mistakes made in the county budgeting process, specifically raises to elected county official, and what can be done to make the budget process more efficient and proper in the future?
Whenever as a commissioner we do our due diligence to find out what the facts are, what we need to know and learn, before we start voting on anything.
What differentiates you from your opponents?
Whenever I served on the Early City Council, there were some big projects that came up. One of them was joining Brown County Water Improvement. Whenever we started that, we were treating our own water in Early. Before it went to a vote we didn’t have any support for it at all. I convinced two people to go with me, and that proves that I can work with other people. I’ve heard from the City Administrator that was one of the best decisions we ever made. Also, I’ve very proud of the fact that while I was on the Early City Council we hired David Mercer as our Chief of Police. David Mercer has done an exemplary. I’m proud of the fact that I’ve lived in Brown County all my life. I think that I’m the best candidate for the job, I can do the job, and I’ll prove to you that I can do the job, just give me a chance.