A long discussion concerning a new building for the Brownwood-Brown County Health Department was held at today’s meeting of the Brown County Commissioners Court.
The Health Department, currently located at 510 East Lee Street, is planning to move to 805 Booker Street. The new location will provide more room for the Health Department – 13,400 square feet – almost double the 7,200 square feet in the current building. The City owns the building, and is seeking an agreement with the County to share the remodeling costs at 50% each.
The cost for remodeling was originally estimated at $1.2 million, and the County last year agreed to pay $600,000, using ARPA funds (American Rescue Plan Act). When the job was put out for bid, however, the winning bid from Covington Contracting was higher, $1.67 million. The Brownwood City Council approved the bid, and is now asking the County to pay an additional $235,000 to meet 50% of the remodeling cost.
The Commissioners had a number of questions about the project, and took no action today. The issue will be considered again at their next meeting.
In other business, the Commissioners agreed to pay $11,000 to Black Plumbing for plumbing work done at the Oaks Juvenile Center. This will be the final payment to Black Plumbing for their work on the project.