Brown County Commissioners reduced the speed limit on portions of two county roads at Monday morning’s meeting of the court.
Commissioner Precinct 2 Joel Kelton received approval for the posting of a 35 mph speed limit on County Road 411 which will begin at Hwy 183W for 6/10 of a mile. According to Kelton the speed zone will be posted in the city of May just off of the highway and continuing a length of 6/10 of a mile, which is approximately 3/10 of a mile past the Baptist Church on CR 411. When school is in session, it is a 20 mph school zone; however, when school is out, there is no posted limit.
Kelton also received approval for a posted speed of 20 mph on CR 461 beginning 2/10 of a mile south of the intersection of CR 561 to the end of the road. Kelton explained that CR 411, after the intersection of CR 561, dead ends at lake front property at Lake Brownwood. The area, according to Kelton, sees a lot of children at play especially during the summer.
Both speed limit postings were discussed in public hearings before their approval; however, there were no speakers from the public.
In other matters on the agenda:
*Commissioner took no action on a burn ban due to recent rains.
*Commissioner Gary Worley of Pct 1 received approval for two waivers and resolutions for match grants regarding repair/reconstruction on two bridges, CR 258 bridge at Doudle Creek and CR 225 bridge at Clear Creek. According to Worley, Texas Department of Transportation has begun construction on these bridges and asked that the county waive its matching portion on these two projects in exchange for the county providing an equal amount of other bridge or road work throughout the county. The matching amounts are $58,900 for the CR 225 bridge and $36,400 for the bridge on CR 258.
*Commissioner Worley received approval for the renewal of a contract with land owner Bob Lewis for crushing and removal of rock to be used by Precinct 1. The terms of the contract are for six months of crushing of 10,000 yards at 75¢/yard.
*Elections Administrator Suzy Young received approval of part time/seasonal employee Dorothy Burwick to work July 1 through September 30th. Burwick had previously worked with the elections office, as a temporary employee, through May and had worked during the primary election.