So, my column is showing up a day late. I have a good excuse, I swear! (I’m flashing back to high school with that statement!)
I write my column at my desk at the radio station every Monday morning, I even have a couple cell phone alerts to remind me to not miss my self-imposed deadline.
However, yesterday there were internet, and email issues that resulted in replacing of a network server and a bunch of other technical, computery, jargon filled descriptions that we all just nod our head in response to, in order to make it seem like we understand what the tech has just told us. (I know I’m not alone here.)
That being said, I didn’t have a way to email my column to, so I just didn’t.
We got all the issues sorted out, but my morning started a lot longer than most peoples do as usual, so I had to drop back and punt for my morning show preparations.
I normally open my email, and there is a file waiting for me to open that has many things of interest to discuss, and I use that and my internet browsings from recent memory to come up with topics for my show.
Couldn’t do that yesterday, no email, remember?
So what do you do when facing a challenge that so subverts your daily activity as to completely alter the way you operate? I know what I did: Thanked God that the wifi was still working in the building and got on my cell phone browser and web surfed like a mad man!
You know what I found? Stuff that I would not normally have talked about that was actually kind of interesting. (OK, interesting to me, I can only assume my audience enjoyed it!)
So, when your life is thrown into disarray by a faulty server, or something a bit larger than that, just remember, there are more options than the ones you use every day. And, they might be better choices than you are used to.
Ben Cox is the host of “Ben Cox in the Morning” weekday mornings from 6 to 9 on KQBZ, 96.9 FM in Brownwood Texas. He is the new in-stadium voice of the Howard Payne Yellow Jackets football team, & Ben is also an event DJ for weddings, parties and the like, and can be contacted through the Brownwood Area Chamber of Commerce.
The thoughts and comments reflected in this column are those of the writer alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of Wendlee Broadcasting, or its affiliates.