Tuesday, June 10, 2014 – 6 PM at Early City Hall
1. Call to order and invocation
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Consideration of the minutes for the regular meeting held on May 13, 2014
4. Citizen’s comments. (The council invites citizens to speak to the Council on any topic not already on the agenda. No Council action may be taken on these items.)
5. Consider recommendation of Planning and Zoning Commission for a zoning change from R-1, Single-family, to R-3, Multi-family, on 8 acres of property known as 130 Sudderth Drive and adopt an ordinance if approved.
6. Melanie Ceresini to discuss improvements to City Park.
7. Consider approving Early Economic Development performance agreement and funding request of $10,000 to La Botana Mexican Food Restaurant.
8. Consider approval of updated Water Conservation and Drought Contingency Plan and adopt an ordinance if approved.
9. Consider amendment of the Agreement for Ambulance and Emergency Medical Services by and between Brown County and Guardian Emergency Services.
10. Consider a resolution expressing official intent to reimburse cost of sewer system projects.
11. Consider a resolution to extend the real estate loan at Mills County State Bank on the property at 1030 Early Boulevard.
12. Consider continuation of the variance granted for privacy fence at 305 Sunrise Drive.
13. Consider approval of Continuation of Coverage Agreement with TML Intergovernmental Employee Benefit Pool.
14. Announcements.
15. Adjourn.