The filing deadline for Brown County political races is next Monday, December 11. Fourteen political offices are up for election and will be on the ballot in the primary election in March 2024. Seven of those offices have no filed candidates as of today. Anyone interested in running for office can file as a candidate at the Brown County Clerk’s office in the Courthouse, through Monday December 11.
The offices up for election, and filed candidates, are shown below.
District Judge, 35th Judicial District: Mike Smith
District Attorney, 35th Judicial District: Micheal Murray
County Tax Assessor-Collector: Christine Pentecost
County Attorney: No candidates filed
County Sheriff: Vance W. Hill
County Commissioner, Precinct One: David K. Chastain
County Commissioner, Precinct Three: Wayne Shaw, Jeffrey S. Primrose, Patrick McLaughlin
Constable, Precinct One: No candidates filed
Constable, Precinct Two: No candidates filed
Constable, Precinct Three: Roy D. Parrack
Constable, Precinct Four: Michael W. Isbell
Justice of the Peace, Precinct One: Scotty Burke II, Dustin L. Larremore, Mitchell W. Jacobson
Republican Party County Chairman: No candidates filed
Democratic Party County Chairman: No candidates filed