Brownwood High School (BHS) has announced the 2023 Homecoming Court. Queen nominees are Lauren Board, Chelsey Covey and Jaslin Jones. King nominees are Evan Fraze, Davis Lee and Quinten McCarty. The Homecoming Court includes Juniors Ian Barrera-Salinas and Kylea Karnes, Sophomores Kyle Recolizado and Icess Hall, and Freshmen Bennett Windham and Addaley Huerta.
Lauren Board is the daughter of Brittany Baker. She was a 2-year member of the Lady Lions Soccer team. After graduation, Lauren plans to attend college to become a dental hygienist.
Chelsey Covey is the daughter of Leanda Minica and Josh Covey. She is a 4-year cheerleader and was a member of the Lady Lions basketball, volleyball and softball teams. After graduation, Lauren plans to attend Paul Mitchell Cosmetology school and hopes to open her own bridal shop.
Jaslin Jones is the daughter of Raylee and Jason Jones. She is a 3-year varsity cheerleader and volleyball player and has spent all four years on the Lady Lion track team. After graduation, Jaslin hopes to extend her dancing career as a college or NFL dancer.
Evan Fraze is the son of Renee and Jay Fraze. He is a 4-year varsity theater member and has spent two years as a member of Lion Crew and National Honors Society. After graduation, Evan plans to study Marine Biology at Texas A&M Galveston and work as a dive master and scientific diver for NOAA.
Davis Le is the son of Nicole Le. Davis is a 4-year Lion football player, 3-year powerlifter and a member of the National Honor Society. After graduation, Davis plans to continue powerlifting and major in marketing.
Quinten McCarty is the son of Melissa and Adonis McCarty. He is a 4-year Lion football player, powerlifter, and track and field athlete. After graduation, Quinten plans to play football and major in kinesiology.
The Queen and King will be crowned at 6:30 p.m. before the 2023 Homecoming game on Friday, Oct. 13, as the Lions host San Angelo Lake View at Gordon Wood Stadium.