CASA in the Heart of Texas is seeking more volunteers to advocate for the best interest of children in foster care from Brown, Comanche, and Mills counties.
“We want every child involved in the child welfare system to have an advocate by their side while they go through such an uncertain time in their lives,” said Michelle Wells, Executive Director of CASA in the Heart of Texas. “We are always in need of more volunteer Advocates from the community to serve these children, their parents, and families.”
CASA volunteers with CASA in the Heart of Texas are specially trained and appointed by judges to advocate for a child or sibling group while they are in the foster care system. They advocate for the child in court, school and other settings; and get to know everyone involved in the child’s life, including their parents, foster parents, teachers, doctors, family members and others.
CASA volunteers advocate first and foremost for children to be reunified with their parents whenever safe and possible. When reunification is not an option, they may advocate for the child to live with another relative or family friend. They can also advocate for the child to be placed in an adoptive home. In all cases, CASA volunteers are steadfast, consistent presences for the children they serve, making sure they are safe and have the resources and connections they need to grow and thrive.
“When faced with chaos, conflict and uncertainties in their young lives, children deserve to have a calm and comforting presence; someone that holds the lantern up high to see far and wide and provides guidance and reassurance of the best path ahead,” said Christine Cooper, a volunteer Advocate with CASA in the Heart of Texas. “CASAs carry that lantern.”
During the last fiscal year, CASA in the Heart of Texas advocated for 84 children in foster care from Brown, Comanche, and Mills counties. Yet, some children still don’t have a CASA volunteer to advocate for them.
“Our mission is to serve every child in our area,” said Wells. “We never want a child to go without a CASA volunteer—that’s why we need our community’s support, and for more people to step up and make a difference!”
CASA in the Heart of Texas will hold an Open House and Grant Re-Opening event on Wednesday, November 1, 2023, from 11:00 A.M.- 2:00 P.M. at its new office located at 1305 Early Boulevard, Suite B, Early, Texas 76802. The community is invited to attend!
If you’d like to find out more about becoming a CASA volunteer or other ways to get involved, call (325)643-2557 or visit www.casabrownwood.org.