The time for the runoff election is approaching and I, Mike Holder, want to be sure that everyone who supports me, for whatever reason, gets out and votes when they have the chance.
I have tried to stay upbeat, even with what our elected officials have done to my family and me. There is little we can do at this time and are hoping and praying that someone with the truth will step up and correct what has been done. In my youth I was employed by a WW II veteran in his lumber business. He had a plaque on the wall just above his desk, which said “SILENCE IS NOT ALWAYS GOLDEN, SOMETIMES IT IS ONLY YELLOW”. I have, in my lifetime, attempted to follow this simple statement no matter what the cost to me. Because of that, I sleep well at night and have no problem looking at my face in the mirror every morning.
My erstwhile promise to you, the residents of precinct 2, is that I will strive to be the person you want, to represent you in the office of Justice of the Peace.
I still have my honor and integrity. These cannot be taken away from me by any one because the people who know me know that what has been done to me and my family is a sham perpetrated by two elected officials who we are supposed to trust to enforce the law in an unbiased manner.
Again, all I can do is present myself to you the voters of precinct 2 and give you a choice of who you believe best represents your ideals of true and honest law enforcement. I am honest, fair, use a great amount of common sense, and will do so in this position if elected. The letters submitted to the paper in the beginning brought the truth about me to the public. My Methodist Minister, my Captain, my Sergeant who worked for me and with me for over 15 years and the current sheriff of Lubbock County who also worked with me while I was employed there. These people know me and they know that what we have been accused of is just a personal attack because of my running for this office. I will be in the courthouse when I am supposed to be, not when I feel like coming in and I do not have any outside interest which would keep me from being in that office on a regular basis.
Respectfully, Mike Holder