Texas has just signed a bill into law that would remove liability from businesses and companies in the state that do not have policies mandating masks or vaccinations. Under House Bill 609, businesses are no longer liable for Covid spread or death if they do not have a mask or vaccination policy.
The new law states, “A business owner or operator that does not require employees or contractors of the business to be vaccinated against a pandemic disease is not liable for injury or death caused by the exposure of an individual to the pandemic disease through an employee or contractor of the business.”
Governor Abbott signed the bill with the backdrop he would not relinquish his Covid emergency powers unless the Legislature this session made strides in legislation that would prevent COVID-19 mandates.
Last year Governor Abbott issued an emergency order that prohibited schools from implementing mask and vaccine mandates and even won a legal case over it. Abbott now has signed a law that states that businesses that do not have policies regarding mask or vaccination mandates are not liable for the spread of COVID-19 or death as a result of COVID-19.
Governor Abbott has also signed Senate Bill 29 into law that prohibits any form of Texas government to impose vaccine and mask mandates, and business and school closures, in the state of Texas.