The first day of livestock showing at the 62nd Annual Brown County Youth Fair got off to a great start Wednesday with breeding goats, breeding sheep and swine followed by breeding and market rabbit shows. Students from across Brown County had a chance to show off the results of their hard work for the past months.
Over 1900 entries and nearly 500 exhibitors are participating in the BCYF shows this year, according to officials.
Judges for the day were Allen Belk of Winters for Angora Breeding Goats, Joe Cook of Comanche for the sheep and goat shows, Cody McCleery of Poolville for swine and Frank Farrow of Lufkin for rabbits.
2014 Miss Brown County Youth Fair Association candidates assisted judges in the arena with ribbons and belt buckles. Candidates this year are Abby Day of Brownwood, Jacey Guest of Early, and Cheyenne Edwards of Bangs.
Click the photo gallery below for pictures of the first day of livestock shows with over 149 photos.
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