Law enforcement arrests and reports released Tuesday, April 9 and Wednesday, April 10.
Monday, April 8
*9:50 AM – A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy was dispatched to the intersection of County Road 234 and Caballo Trail regarding a mailbox which had been damaged overnight. Damage was estimated at $60 according to the report.
*10:28 AM – Brownwood Police were called to the 1700 block of Durham Avenue regarding theft. According to the report, an unidentified subject stole the complainant’s bank debit card between March 9th and April 1st and used it on two separate occasions for a total amount of $118.63.
*A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy was dispatched to the Brownwood Regional Medical Center regarding an animal bite. According to the report, the officer arrived at the emergency room and spoke with a complainant who stated he had been scratched a few times on the upper and lower leg by a raccoon that had been fighting with his dog in the front yard of his residence. The raccoon was shot and placed into a plastic bag inside a cooler to be taken to a local veterinarian for testing, the report states.
*5:19 PM – A Brown County Sheriff’s deputy was dispatched to a residence on County Road 234 regarding a blown up mailbox. According to the report, the complainant stated that someone had blown up his mailbox with firecrackers.
Tuesday, April 9
*10:00 AM – Brown County Sheriff’s Office was called to County Road 267 regarding criminal mischief. According to the report, a door appeared to have been pried open with a tool; however, no access was gained to the house.
*1:36 PM – Brownwood Police met with an elderly complainant regarding fraud. According to the report, unknown suspects scammed the complainant out of a large amount of money, which included 22 Green Dot credit cards valued at $4400.00 and a check written from an unknown account from Carlton’s Bank of America for $6550.00.
*2:54 PM – Brownwood Police responded to the report of a domestic disturbance in the 1700 block of Dallas Street. According to the report, the complainant stated that her boyfriend, identified as 31-year-old Daniel Webster Cade, had assaulted her. After an investigation, Cade was arrested and charged with assault family violence.
*2:54 PM – Brownwood Police were called to Wal-Mart, 401 W. Commerce, regarding a hit and run. According to the report, the complainant stated that unknown suspects had backed up into her vehicle and fled the scene without attempting to provide any required information. The suspects were described as two juveniles driving an older white extended cab Ford pickup and were last seen driving south on Looney Street, the report states. The right front quarter panel of the complainant’s vehicle was damaged and had white paint transfer on the damage, according to the report. No arrest had been made at the time of the report.
*4:15 PM – Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 1500 block of Terrace Drive regarding disorderly conduct. According to the report, an altercation regarding child custody had occurred. A report for assault family violence was taken as well as CPS and MHMR contacted, responding to the scene to provide additional services, the report states.
*6:35 PM – Brownwood Police were dispatched to the 600 block of Center Avenue regarding theft. According to the report, the complainant stated that her purse had been stolen from the inside of her vehicle which was parked at the downtown business. The complainant found her purse on the northeast side of the building but stated that three of her credit cards had been taken, the report states.
*5:11 PM – Brownwood Police were called to the 2500 block of Songbird Circle regarding a possible sexual assault. According to the report, staff at the nursing home advised the officer that one of the residents who has senile dementia reported that she had been sexually assaulted. The staff member told officers that the resident imagines what she sees happening on television as happening to her, the report states. The officer attempted to speak with the resident but she was not lucid, the report states.
*Brown County Sheriff’s Office arrested 57-year-old David Henry Bivens on two warrants for failure to appear related to theft and theft by check.
* Brown County Sheriff’s Office arrested 60-year-old Mark Alan Hawkins on a warrant for his arrest related to possession of a controlled substance.
* Brown County Sheriff’s Office arrested 47-year-old Martin Ybarra of DeLeon on a warrant for motion to revoke related to theft.
Wednesday, April 10
*Brown County Sheriff’s Office received a report of the burglary of a habitation on FM 2492. According to the report, the homeowner stated that while she had been living in Santa Anna for the past two weeks, her home at the above address was burglarized and several items were stolen.
All arrestees are considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Blotter information compiled from local law enforcement reports and jail records.