January 4 found all of us on my campus facing yet another change. More technology. Do not misunderstand – I love technology. The idea that I can simply push a button and have fresh hot coffee is something I am eternally grateful for! An e-reader that will hold 350 books is something that will save my back when I am traveling. What changed now is the type of computer we will be using.
As we sat in the room with our trainer walking us through various things these new laptops will do, I found myself wondering if this thing will also cook and clean for me – it seems to do just about everything else! I learned about the widget – neat little things to add to the “dashboard” on the laptop. Excuse me if my age shows, but for me the dashboard has always been the little ledge at the front of the car where the radio is. It took a while for my brain to absorb this idea. So, what did I do to help? I found a radio widget and placed in on my dashboard. I’m still looking for the steering wheel.
By the end of the day, I realized there was no way we were going to learn all there was from this gentleman in one day about these machines. I was gratified by the answers he had for my questions, and his patience with all of us as we struggled with this magical mouse that can tell if we use one finger or two. We were instructed to “go home and play” with our new laptops in order to feel more comfortable. Ever the obedient student, I complied and did my homework. There were some interesting consequences to my explorations.
First, I explored widgets. Didn’t find a steering wheel (still looking) but I did find an elephant. I was so tickled by this little walking elephant that moved where my mouse did that I placed it on my dashboard. (I felt the bouncing hula girl might be a bit much.) I looked at all the programs and played with the camera and video. Finally, I put some of my favorite songs on it. My children are so jealous.
At school the next day it felt strange to see an open laptop on my desk where I checked attendance and grades and email. I felt kind of sad for my desktop computer. I was jotting a note on my “stickie” on my laptop to remind myself to ask about an adapter when suddenly my laptop trumpeted. We had just gotten back from the library and the students were silently reading so it seemed VERY loud. I was quite startled and we all just looked around trying to figure out where it was. It was obviously an elephant trumpeting from my laptop. When the noise did not continue, I went back to typing. There it went again! Finally figured out it was my space bar! Do you know how often we use the space bar?? The kids were giggling as I sat, bewildered, not understanding how this had occurred. I checked everything I could think of. Nothing. I looked at my elephant widget. Nothing. It continued, and I turned the volume down. I sent an email to our campus IT person begging for relief from the elephants trumpeting inside my laptop. A little while later he appeared in my room, grinning at me and shaking his head. I just know he was laughing inside. Finally we figured out it was, in fact, my little elephant which had somehow triggered the noise. Sadly, I watched him delete my elephant. Oh, well. At least I have more room for that steering wheel if I can find it!
At the end of the day my homeroom was asking about the laptop and I showed them how it would read aloud from highlighted text. Then I turned the camera on them and recorded a short video. Next I played a song or two for our listening enjoyment. It was at this point I realized that some things will never change when a student asked, “Mrs. Moore, do you have any music from this century?” Some things will never change in these changing times! Teachers are still old to their students. Good thing I didn’t have a steering wheel on my dashboard….my laptop and I may have driven off into the sunset.
Christine Moore currently holds a degree from Howard Payne University and is actively working toward a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction. Married with four children, Christine teaches 6th grade reading in Brownwood and has been working in education at various levels for the past 14 years. Her husband, Jeremy, owns a local company that specializes in web design, custom computer builds, and on-location repair called DreamSoft Design at www.dreamsoftdesign.com. Christine welcomes your questions and comments and would love to hear from you!