The following questions were sent to all candidates in contested races by Brownwood News.
County Commissioner, Precinct 2 Candidates are Joel Kelton (Incumbent), Jeff Hoskinson, and Bo E. Allen.
Candidates for County Commissioner, Precinct 4 are Larry Traweek (Incumbent) and George Huseman.
Precinct 2
1) How long have you been a part of the Brown County Community? To what extent have you been a part of local government in Brown County?
My family moved here in 1966 in time for me to begin school here. Other than a few years working in west Texas after finishing school, this has been my home. I served 10 years on the May School board, a number of years as Mays fire chief, and was operator of the community water supply where I’m still active on the board. I was elected to serve as Commissioner Pct 2 beginning 2006.
2)What is your vision for the future of Brown County: What changes would you advocate and why?
In light of the current political events, covid, and all the other crazyness in the world today, I would like to see Brown County continue to be a welcoming, safe, common sense place to live and work. So maybe it’s about changing less.
3)Regarding your prospective position, what do you consider your greatest strengths? Weaknesses?
I believe my work and business background bring a lot. Problem solving skills with common sense and dedication to the position also.
Being a part of the community, working with and for other in the community. Listening and always being available. Knowing the needs and how county government works.
In my numerous years in this position I’ve completed the highest level of education available through the yearly training we are required by the State of Texas. I’ve dealt with a wide range of issues and know how to approach them to get results.
I’m still not fond of public speaking though.
4)What do you consider the biggest challenge of the position you are running for? What areas need improvement and why?
Controlling the cost of running the county is always most challenging. To provide the the services that are required or needed and keep the tax rate in check is very difficult.
There are always things that need more, but we must maintain a balance.
Such as, we need quite a bit more road funding for continued repairs and improvements. We all know the cost of all things continues to rise. So many of our roads and bridges were built years ago and and an increase in heavy trucks ,traffic and weather events have taken their toll.
This is by no means the only need. Just an example of what I deal with daily.
5)What has been your greatest accomplishment in your career? In your personal life?
My idea of success in this position is to leave things better than when I came.
I can honestly say the county is in better financial shape and our roads are improving. Much paving and bridge work has been done. Our equipment in Pct 2 is adequate, in good shape and well maintained. I have a great crew and foreman Scotty Ford.
Personally I have a wonderful wife, Lola. All my family have grow up to be successful contributors to society. That’s a blessing. I’ve created and run a successful machine shop with great employees.
And mostly I’ve been blessed to have been chosen by my peers to represent them and all of Brownwood County as Commissioner Pct2 several times over. Thank you very much.
1)How long have you been a part of the Brown County Community?
My family has been part of Brown County since the late 1800’s and I have been a part of Brown County for all my life. Our family property does cross into Comanche County, but my home is in Brown County. To what extent have you been a part of local government in Brown County? Since 1987, I have served as a Trustee on the May ISD Board as President, Secretary, and Vice-President. Since 2003, I have received more than 150 hours of leadership training. Additionally, I have served on the May Volunteer Fire Department for near 40 years. The last eleven years, I have served as the Fire Chief .
2)What is your vision for the future of Brown County: What changes would you advocate and why?
My vision is to have a team that serves our community in a manor where spending is watched carefully, all while making sure that our team (i.e., Sheriff’s Office, County construction crews, fire departments and county officials) has what they need to make Brown County the best it can be. I want to see a team of offices supporting each other, working as one, for the good of Brown County. We are ALL on the same team. Teamwork makes the dream work.
3)Regarding your position, what do you consider your greatest strengths?
With my 35-year experience working on the May ISD schoolboard, I believe my greatest strength would have to be the ability to lead others. I value what others have to say and consider and appreciate their opinion, regardless of whether I agree or not. Weaknesses? Some say, I may be too much of an optimist, believing everyone is a “team player”. Sadly, I have found that not to be true. We are all on the same team regardless of our race or what church we attend. In the end as it says in Philippians 2: 10 “Every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue declare that Jesus Christ is Lord, to glory of God the Father”.
4)What do you consider the biggest challenge of the position you are running for? What areas need improvement and why?
Running for Commissioner has been something I have been talking about and making preparation for the last 10 years. The biggest challenge I believe will be, the first year getting through the budget to cut or eliminated waste. Additionally, finding the areas that may need more funding. The Sheriff’s Office is one of the things that comes to mind. In this area, I want to make sure these officers have the training and the tools needed to keep us all safe while staying safe themselves. In my opinion, the County is in good shape for the most part. It will be important to make sure the Sherriff’s office has the resources to recruit and retain the best. As far as our County barn, I feel like we have a good foreman and crew. There may be some things we can do to improve that as well.
5)What has been your greatest accomplishment in your career? In your personal life? In my career as a Petroleum Landman, I have had the privilege of owning our own business, Allen Land and Title Inc., along with my wife, handling multi-million-dollar projects, while running crews, all over the state of Texas, Louisiana and New Mexico. My career has allowed me to be a part of helping the United States become energy independent during the last administration. As far as my personal life, I am blessed! FIRST: my decision to except Jesus Christ as my personal Lord and Savior; SECOND: Marrying the love of my life, Karla Allen and THIRD: Raising my own four children and three “bonus children” to have successful college degrees and businesses today.
1)How long have you been a part of the Brown County Community? To what extent have you been a part of local government in Brown County?
I have been in Brown County for 44 years. Local government: Voting in local elections for 30 years. Corresponding with the permit office. Worked as a election judge.
2)What is your vision for the future of Brown County: What changes would you advocate and why?
Make Brown County a better place to live. Changes would be for lower tax rates and fewer dirt roads.
3)Regarding your prospective position, what do you consider your greatest strengths? Weaknesses?
Strengths are I have been working with the public and making business decisions and managing a business efficiently for 37 years.
4)What do you consider the biggest challenge of the position you are running for? What areas need improvement and why?
Challenges: anytime you take over a new position you will have challenges but I’m ready to meet those challenges head on. Improvements are in road management.
5)What has been your greatest accomplishment in your career? In your personal life?
Career: I have made a name for myself and it stands in its own. Personal: family and grandkids.
Precinct 4
1)How long have you been a part of the Brown County Community? To what extent have you been a part of local government in Brown County?
I have been a part of Brown County for 70 years, I was born and raised in Bangs. I have served as the Brown County Commissioner for Precinct 4 for the last 15 years.
2)What is your vision for the future of Brown County: What changes would you advocate and why?
My vision for Brown County is to keep taxes as low as possible while improving and updating roads and infrastructure. I would advocate for any change that would benefit the county without raising taxes for our residents.
3)Regarding your prospective position, what do you consider your greatest strengths? Weaknesses?
My greatest strengths are my leadership ability, honesty and listening to the concerns of my constituents. I’m always open to suggestions and working towards a solution that works in the best interest of the county and its residents. I strive for a common-sense approach to decisions made for the county and I have learned this is the best approach for the county taxpayers due to being in business for myself for over 50 years. A lack of patience is my weakness.
4)What do you consider the biggest challenge of the position you are running for? What areas need improvement and why?
The biggest challenge for a county commissioner in Texas is trying to improve infrastructure and work within a balanced budget. The Commissioner’s Court is responsible for setting the budget for the elected county offices and trying to provide enough funding for each area of our county is a challenge we face annually. Since 2020, getting materials to fix roads, parts and equipment are extremely difficult. And the prices of these materials, parts, and labor are increasing constantly. An area that I consider needs improvement is having efficient communication with the voters of Brown County from the Commissioners Court.
5)What has been your greatest accomplishment in your career? In your personal life?
My greatest accomplishment as Brown County Commissioner is securing a $5 million grant from FEMA disaster to rebuild water damaged county roads in Precinct 4, and as a result, Pct. 4’s 200 miles of county roads, as a whole, are in the best shape they have been in decades. Also, in order to prevent another disaster like the one Brown County experienced in February 2021 due to freezing temperatures, I helped to allocate over $200,000 to the Brown County Water Board for electricity infrastructure to prevent a loss of power to the pumps that supply water to Brown County. I also helped allocate over $200,000 to Zephyr Water Supply Corporation and over $300,000 to Brookesmith Special Utility District to purchase generators to prevent the loss of water delivery to those customers.
My greatest accomplishment in my personal life is my family. I have been married to my wife for over 50 years and have the privilege of watching my 2 children, 4 grandchildren and 3 great-grandchildren grow up in Brown County, thus marking the 7th generation of my family to call Brown County home.
1)How long have you been a part of the Brown County Community? To what extent have you been a part of local government in Brown County?
I have been a resident since 1983. I have not been a part of any local government in Brown County until this election.
2)What is your vision for the future of Brown County: What changes would you advocate and why?
My vision for Brown County is to get rid of the good ole boy system and put an end to the Brownwood Mafia. Changes that I advocate is to allow every citizen to have a say and be a part of the electoral process. I will also be a good steward of our taxpayers’ dollars, as well as fix the roads in Precinct 4.
3)Regarding your prospective position, what do you consider your greatest strengths? Weaknesses?
My greatest strength is proven leadership along with common sense. My weakness is that I want to trust people from the beginning-I do trust, but also verify.
4)What do you consider the biggest challenge of the position you are running for? What areas need improvement and why?
The biggest challenge of Brown County Commissioner of Precinct 4 is convincing the public that we can truly make change for the better of Brown County. Areas that absolutely need improvement is the fact that Precinct 4 has the worst roads in the county by far and they WILL become a priority.
5)What has been your greatest accomplishment in your career? In your personal life?
My greatest professional accomplishment has always been my service to OUR great nation. My greatest personal accomplishment and LOVE is for God and my family.