The best way to describe an acre is to put it in terms Texans can visualize.
An acre is about the size of a football field. 1.3 Acres
One acre of land can produce many different types of crops. It depends on the fertility and type of soil; how much rain falls and how much sun shines.
In Texas, cotton is king. One acre produces an average of 821 lbs. of cotton.
Like strawberries? An acre produces an average of 50,500 lbs. of strawberries.
An acre produces an average of 46.4 bushels of wheat. That’s 3,054 lbs. of grain.
Managing these acres and growing these crops are family farmers. In fact, 98% of U.S. farms and ranches are family-owned and operated.
American agriculture is a success story like no other. And it starts with the land. One acre at a time.
Feeding, clothing and fueling America on that land is worth an end-zone celebration every time.
1 acre = 43,560 sq ft
209’ x 209’ 69.5 yards x 69.5 yards
1 section = 640 acres = 1 sq mile
1 ton = 2,000lbs
1 lb = 16oz
1 kg = 2.2lbs
1-gallon liquid measure = 128oz
1 cubic ft water = 62.43lbs or 7.48 gallons
1 mile = 5,280’
1 rod = 16.5ft
1 chain = 66ft
1 roll barbed wire = ¼ mile = 1,320ft
1 roll net wire = 330ft
Agriculture only contributes 10% to total greenhouse gas emissions. The other 90% comes from transportation, electricity, industry, and commercial/residential uses.
In addition to cork and rubber, a baseball is made with cowhide, cotton, and wool yarn.
Seguin is home to the world’s largest and third largest pecans.
No horsin’ around! Texas has more horses than any other state and about 4 times as many as Kentucky.
A football field is 1.3 acres. Texas has the equivalent of nearly 100 million football fields in farm and ranch lands.
One U.S. farm produces enough food and fiber for about 166 people in the U.S. and abroad.
- 12 states grow pumpkins on a commercial scale. In 2020, Texas was the to seller, followed by Pennsylvania, Illinois and California.
- In 2020, the Texas pumpkin crop was worth $25 million.
- The majority of the pumpkins grown in Texas are used for decoration.
- 3,500 to 6,000 acres of pumpkins are planted annually in Texas.
- Floydada, the county seat of Floyd County, is known as Pumpkin Capital, USA.
- There is a pumpkin, Texas in San Jacinto County.
- Pumpkin is the official State Squash of Texas.
Pumpkin plant lifecycle
Seeds – Pumpkins start as a seed that is planted in the soil. Pumpkin seeds are larger than most seeds.
Flowering – As the pumpkin seed grows, it starts to produce flowers. The flowers are pollinated by bees, butterflies, and other insects.
Mature pumpkins – Once the flower is pollinated, the plant grows and eventually produces mature pumpkins.