Salt Creek Baptist Church will dedicate new facilities this Sunday, October 28, during the 11:00 a.m. worship service. The service will include hymns of worship, words of appreciation, dedication responsive reading, and special music by Dr. and Mrs. Randy Ethridge. The message titled “What Christ Wants The Church To Be,” based on I Thessalonians 1:1-8, will be presented by Pastor Jimmie Mize.
A celebration luncheon will be held in the church’s fellowship hall, immediately following the service. The public is invited to attend both events. The meal is provided at no cost. Guests will also have the opportunity to tour the facilities.
The congregation entered the new facilities on the first Sunday in June, 2012. Ongoing projects by the church include the removal of a second section of the old structure, leaving only the former sanctuary, which is being adapted to serve as an enlarged youth gathering place; landscaping; improved and expanded parking; fenced outdoor children’s play area; and more.
A typical Sunday schedule at Salt Creek includes Bible study for all ages at 10:00 a.m., followed by the worship celebration at 11:00 a.m. and worship/fellowship at 6:00 p.m.
Salt Creek Baptist Church is located at 7775 FM 3100. The church can be reached by turning off Hwy. 377 in Early onto FM 3100 and going north four miles. For more information, call the church at 325-646-3897 or the pastor at 325-643-5853.
Pictured above: Salt Creek Baptist Church’s new worship center is part of the facilities to be dedicated this Sunday.