An original Camp Bowie water line which supplies the Superior Essex plant was approved to be replaced and rerouted by council members at Tuesday morning’s Brownwood City Council meeting.
According to City Manager Bobby Rountree, the line along with its easement was given to the city by the federal government in 1948 and has breaks that have caused problems for the plant this past year.
A briefing sheet states that the water line has had four breaks in the past 12 months, causing plant production to cease for about eight hours each time. The line goes through the middle of the equipment yard, making it difficult to access for repairs. In addition, heavy equipment and materials are stored on top of the line, mostly likely contributing to the weakness of the line.
A new easement will be created and a new 12” PVC water line replacing the old 16” cast iron line will be laid at the perimeter of the property with the approval now granted. According to Assistant Division Director of Public Works David Harris, the materials are expected to take 6-8 weeks to be delivered. The installation should begin as soon as the materials arrive.
According to Rountree, the city will pay for the cost of the replacement of the line as it is a city line which runs through private property. These costs include labor, equipment and engineering work which will cost $26,068 plus attorney and filing fees which will be at contract rates. Superior Essex will pay for the survey establishing the new easement at a cost of $1500. The Brownwood Economic Development Corporation will pay for the materials totaling $54,525 as the city does not have funds budgeted for the materials.
In other matters on Tuesday’s agenda:
*Council approved the zoning classifications for seven properties of various zonings to A-1 Agriculture District on second, third and final readings.
*Council approved an ordinance on second, third and final readings which creates a Residential Rural (RR) zoning classification for larger residential lots bearing one acre or greater and establishes zoning regulations for these newly zoned properties.
*Supervision of the city marshal changing from the municipal court judge to the police chief was approved by the council on second, third and final readings.
*Council approved an ordinance on first reading amending the fiscal year 2011-2012 City of Brownwood budget for yearend amendments. These amendments include one which increases revenue by $35,635 and ten amendments to Expenditures which will increase expenditures by $233,525, resulting in a net increase in expenses of $187,890.
*An ordinance establishing a one-way flow of traffic in the alley between 12th and 13th Streets from Avenue E to Coggin Avenue. According to Rountree, this recommendation was made for motorists’ safety and ease of travel behind the Colonial Courtyard Apartments.