On Thursday, June 17 Deputy Chris Angel talked to a victim in reference to a scam. The victim received a phone call from a collection agency in reference to an outstanding loan. After further information, it was founded the victim did not apply for the loan and was being scammed. The victim requested a report for her records.
On Thursday, June 17 at around 12:21 p.m. Deputy Carlyle James Gover made contact with a complainant by phone. This was in regards to an unknown person attempting to publish intimate visual material of the complainant if they do not receive payment. After further investigation, a report was made.
On Thursday, June 17 at around 1:14 p.m. Deputy Carlyle James Gover spoke to a complainant at the law enforcement center. This was in reference to a firearm missing from his vehicle. After further investigation, a report was made.
On Thursday, June 17 at 6:15 p.m. Deputy Carlyle James Gover responded to a power line being struck by a tractor at the intersection of 183 N and CR 411. A report was made.