Brandi Tyson, 46, who just completed her second year teaching English at Brownwood High School, passed away Tuesday, June 8 following a car accident while on vacation in Colorado.
Brownwood High School Principal Lindsay Smith said, “I’m just heartbroken. It’s tragic, it’s sad and my heart goes out to her and her family and everybody involved. Right now I think we’re just focused on loving on her family as much as we can. Our hearts go out to them.”
Recalling the type of co-worker Tyson was, Smith said, “Her last text to me she said teamwork makes the dream work and that described her. She was always a team player. She was a good person, a solid person and she cared about people. That really is who she was. She was involved, she cared about her colleagues and her students. Her English department loved her greatly. She was such a good, positive person.”
Tyson was planning to return to Brownwood High School next week to assist with STAAR re-testing.
“She made the comment that God kept calling at her heart that she really needed to be here with us next week,” said Estella Soto, a fellow Brownwood High English teacher. “(Tuesday) morning she called me and said I’m going to be there, she said God’s calling me and God’s telling me I need to be there with you next week so I’m going to be there. I told her I was so glad, I was ready to see her, I missed her and was glad that she was on her trip and was glad that was happening. That was the last thing we said to each other and then I got the news she had passed.”
Soto worked closely with Tyson since her arrival at Brownwood High School prior to the 2019-20 school year. Tyson taught English 2 her first year at BHS, and English 3 this past school year, which she would have taught again during the upcoming school year.
“Brandi was a team player, a great person, a fun personality,” Soto said. “She would give you the shirt off her back, she would give the world to you, anything that you asked of her. She would give you the last dollar in her pocket to make sure you had what you needed. She was a great colleague, she covered whenever you asked her to cover. She never had a problem stepping in and helping with whatever she needed to help with. There’s no better way to explain it other than she was just a great friend.”
Cherita Munguia, who also teaches English at BHS, said, “Brandi Tyson was a source of constant radiating joy to those who had the privilege of knowing her. It was a common sight to see Brandi dancing down the English hallway with a massive grin and to hear her shouting ‘good morning’ to students as they started their day. Brandi was a one of a kind soul who loved with every ounce of her heart. She was selfless to everyone around her, and she always went above and beyond to make others feel safe, welcome, and included. She had an immense passion for education. Throughout her years of teaching, Brandi impacted the lives of so many. Her courage was immeasurable, and she empowered those around her, myself included, to fight each day to make a difference in the world. She was a wonderful mother, friend, and colleague, and her joyful presence will be greatly missed.”
Former Brownwood High School Principal and current BISD Assistant Superintendent of Business and Finance Mitch Moore hired Tyson.
“She had a lot of energy that she brought to the classroom, which is what you like to see when you’re hiring new people,” Moore said. “She built relationships with her students that helped them achieve in the classroom.”
Tyson graduated from Early High School and Tarleton State University, and previously taught at Comanche High School before coming aboard at Brownwood.
“Give the family some privacy, they’re going to need some time to cope with everything,” Soto said. “And pray for the Brownwood High School faculty and staff in the upcoming weeks and year because there’s going to be a definite hole in our hearts and our hallway, especially in the English department. We’ve got some shoes to fill and I don’t how we’re going to do that. She’s definitely going to be missed.”
A Celebration of Life Service will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, June 12 at First Baptist Church in Early. Visitation will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Friday, June 11 at Heartland Funeral Home.