SAN SABA – Risien Shahan is the San Saba High School Class of 2021 valedictorian while Courtnee Cash earned the honor of salutatorian.
San Saba High School graduation will take place Friday, May, 28.
Shahan, the son of Kevin and Monica Shahan, said of receiving the news he was named valedictorian, “It is a great honor to represent my class in this way. Over the course of four years, my class has defined excellence in both the classroom and in many sports. So, to represent my class at graduation as valedictorian is something that I am very proud of. I expected to be Valedictorian because it has been a goal that I set when I was just a freshman. The hard work and dedication to academics throughout high school allowed me to excel in many classes and eventually meet my personal goal of becoming valedictorian.”
Shahan will be attending McCombs School of Business at the University of Texas at Austin to pursue a masters in accounting.
“I chose this career path because I enjoyed the accounting classes that I was a part of over the last 4 years,” Shahan said. “Accounting and business also run in my family so carrying on what my family has built is also a great opportunity for me.”
Looking 10 years into the future, Shahan said, “I see myself owning a business and being a leader in my community whether that be in some form of local government or in my local church.”
During high school, Shahan “had the privilege of participating in 5 different sports as well as being Student Council and NHS President. Football, basketball, baseball, golf, and track were very important to me and fortunately I was able to experience success in each sport in multiple years. I was also able to participate in Mission San Saba and serve in my local church for the last 4 years.”
In the classroom, Shahan’s favorite subjects were Accounting and English.
“My teachers in both of these classes allowed me to grow in my understanding of the subject matter while also pushing me to become a better student and person,” Shahan said.
Cash said of receiving the salutatorian accolade, “I am usually a leader in sports but earning the title of salutatorian gave me the opportunity to be a leader as a student as well, which is the greatest honor. I am proud to be able to represent this year’s San Saba High School graduating class and serve as proof that hard work is a phrase that extends past athletics and into the classroom. I knew I was in the running for this title because I took many higher-level classes than a lot of my peers and that worked well for my GPA. I would not say I was surprised though, because I was determined to finish at the top of my class, and I worked hard to maintain this achievement.”
Cash, the daughter of Darryl and Kelley Cash, has received an athletic scholarship to Cameron University to play basketball. While there, she will pursue degrees in business as well as sports and exercise science.
“I chose to major in business because in our growing world, there is always going to be a demand for entrepreneurs willing to start their own business that benefits people in need,” Cash said. “I chose to also study sports and exercise science, because along with a business degree, I hope to build my own physical therapy facility with a focus on exercise and nutrition.
Regarding goals for a decade from now, Cash said, “In 10 years, I will be continuing my path in physical therapy operating and managing my own physical therapy facility and business.”
Cash also competed, “on the varsity cross country team all four years, the varsity cheer squad for four years, marching and concert band for four years, varsity basketball four years, varsity softball two years, varsity track four years, UIL prose speaking three years, a class officer for three years, National Honors Society member for two years, and UIL accounting two years.”
In the classroom, Cash’s favorite subjects were English and British Literature.
“I enjoy reading stories to interpret and write feedback about,” Cash said. “My favorite teacher, Mrs. Chambers, also taught both of these classes and was a great aid in explaining thoroughly and really allowing me to develop needed writing skills.”