Brown County 4-H is supported by Brown County United Way
8 – Extension Office Closed for Holiday
8-12 – National 4-H Week
9 – Brownwood 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Extension Office
9 – Early 4-H Club Meeting 6:30p.m. at Early First Baptist Church
9 – Food Challenge Orientation Meeting 4:30p.m. at Extension Office
9 – Bangs 4-H Club Meeting 6:00p.m. at Bangs FCS Classroom
16 – Rabbit Project Meeting 7:00p.m. at Extension Office
19 – Deadline to Enter County Food Show
20 – Lamb Validation 8:00a.m.- 10:00a.m. at the Youth Fair Barns
20 – Goat Validation 11:00a.m. – 2:00p.m. at the Youth Fair Barns
25 – Livestock Judging Meeting 6:30p.m. at Extension Office
27 – County Food Show 2:00p.m. at Extension Office
August 15th starts the enrollment process for the 2012-2013 4-H year in Texas. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll in order to become an official 4-H member. If you want to become an adult leader or volunteer we encourage you to enroll for the 2012-2013 year. The web site for 4-H CONNECT is There is no cost for adult leaders or adult volunteers. As you enroll in 4-H for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:
If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!
If you lost your email and password call the county office we can tell you your e-mail address and reset your password!
To be an official 4-H member in Texas 4-H you must have an ACTIVE profile in 4-H CONNECT!
An active membership will not be granted until the $20.00 participation fee is paid on 4-H Connect!
You cannot register for an event until your profile is ACTIVE.
When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2012-2013 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.
You can use your Spaghetti Luncheon Fundraiser Voucher to pay your membership dues. To do this you will have to come into the extension office to enroll.
Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll because after October 31st the cost increases to $25!!
National 4-H Week will be October 7th through the 13th. We will be kicking off early this year. 4-Hers will have an opportunity to meet with the Brown County Commissioners, on Monday October 1st at 8am, to have them sign our proclamation and visit with them about what Brown County 4-Hers have accomplished. We would like to see as many 4-Hers there as possible to show our thanks for the support Brown County has given us.
We will meet here at the Extension Office on Monday October 1st at 8am, to assemble a basket of baked items to present the commissioners. Therefore, your help will be needed in baking these items and bringing them to the Extension Office the morning of the event.
SEPT. 19th-30th, 2012
Tractor Supply stores in communities across the country have long supported 4-H Clubs, and now, Tractor Supply Co. has entered into an official partnership with the National 4-H Council as your National 4-H Project Headquarters.
This means that Tractor Supply will help raise money for county 4-H programs with the Paper Clover Campaign, a national in-store fundraiser that benefits state and local 4-H programming. 70% of funds raised will be awarded to Brown County 4-H and 30% to National 4-H Council. Our local Tractor Supply Co. raised the most money in this region during last years 2012 Paper Clover Campaign; so lets help them become number one in the state, while supporting Brown County 4-H at the same time during this campaign.
The fall promo promises to be even stronger, and will be tied into National 4-H Week. Show your support for the Brown County 4-H program by just adding a $1 at checkout. Be sure to spread the word about 4-H’s Revolution of Responsibility at your local TSC during Paper Clover!!
The County Food Show is set for October 27th at 2:00p.m. at the Extension Office. The entry deadline is October 19th. If you are interested in participating please contact Kim Miles.
A Food Challenge orientation meeting will be on October 9th, 4:30p.m. at the Extension Office. If you are interested in participating in Food Challenge please make plans to attend. If you have any questions please contact Kim Miles.
It is that time to start looking for your swine project if you are planning on participating in the Brown County Youth Fair or any major stock show . If you are needing help finding a show pig please contact the Extension Office. Below is a list of upcoming pig sales in the area.
Miles FFA Show Pig Sale #1
September 30, 2012
Sale at 2:00p.m.
Miles, Texas
Belton Invitational Pig Sale
October 7, 2012
Sift at 9:00a.m., Sale at 1:30 p.m.
Bell County Expo Center
Coleman County Pig Sale
October 7, 2012
Sale at 1:30p.m.
Santa Anna ISD Ag Barn
Wall Swine Breeders
October 16, 2012
Show at noon, Sale at 2:30p.m.
San Angelo Fair Grounds
Scholarships will be awarded to deserving and qualifying individuals that participate in the Breeding Boer Goat Show at the Brown County Youth Fair. The scholarships will be awarded based on a point system. If you are planning on showing a Breeding Boer Goat in the Brown County Youth Fair this is a great scholarship opportunity for you. If you would like more information about this scholarship you can contact the Extension Office or Shirley Glenn [email protected].
There is going to be a Texas Best Show Series Lamb Show on October 21, 2012 in Ballinger, Texas. It is 100% payback, no membership fee, and enter on site with no deadline or late fees. The cost to enter the show is $20.00 per head. Entries are due by 8:00a.m. the morning of the show and the show begins as soon as classes can be broken. If you have any questions please contact Nick Gonzales.
The Fall Spectacular Livestock Show, in San Angelo, takes place annually on the 2nd weekend in November. This jackpot show will include cattle, sheep, goats, and pigs. More than $25,000 in cash and prizes are awarded to competitors.
The Fall Spectacular Show will take place on November 10th & 11th at the San Angelo Stock Show Fairgrounds. The deadline to enter the show is October 27th. More information can be found on the San Angelo Stock Show website If you have questions please contact Nick Gonzales.
Recognizing today’s students are tomorrow’s leaders, Agriculture Commissioner Todd Staples has announced the Texas Department of Agriculture will acknowledge promising young Texans with the new GROW Award. The award gives recognition for outstanding work to middle and high school student leaders who demonstrate excellence in their pursuits inside and outside the classroom. The future of the Lone Star State is in the hands of today’s youth. Leadership in the classroom, the lab, at home and in the field is vitally important to give students the training and experience needed to remain competitive in today’s global job market.
The GROW award celebrates outstanding student leaders who demonstrate excellence in either their academic or extracurricular activities. The award highlights a student’s special interests, service to community and family, strong work ethic, leadership and overall character. Award recipients will receive an official certificate from Commissioner Staples and special recognition on the TDA website. Students can be nominated by community leaders such as teachers, coaches, school administrators, mayors, county judges or anyone else committed to recognizing youth leadership and achievement. A committee will choose a winner each month during the regular school year.
Agriculture today is technically advanced, diverse, efficient and innovative. It takes a close partnership with education to grow the knowledge and skills necessary to produce the clothes we wear, the houses we live in, the food we eat, the medicines that heal us and the energy that powers our lives.
To nominate a promising middle or high school student in your area, visit the TDA website at Once nominated, students will need to complete the online application and respond to three short-answer questions. The first GROW award recipient will be announced Oct. 15, 2012.
Texas has the largest number of 4-H and FFA livestock projects in the nation. Young people participate at the county, district, regional and state level. The tremendous support and dedication of livestock show officials help make this possible. With this opportunity comes a responsibility for each exhibitor to learn and demonstrate the highest standards, both in personal character and in the feeding and care of their animals. “Quality Counts” is designed to teach young people the importance of displaying good character in carrying out livestock projects, and in every aspect of their lives. “Quality Counts” helps them learn the importance of using proper livestock management practices so that food quality and safety are preserved.
*If you are planning on participating at any major livestock show you will need a Quality Counts Verification number. This number can be obtained by successfully passing the online exam. Quality Counts website can be found on the Brown County 4-H home page If you have taken it already then your number will still be valid. It will not be valid if you turned 14 years old before August 1st of this year; therefore, you will need to take the senior exam. If you have any questions or think you might have to take the exam again please contact Nick Gonzales.
Ready. Aim. Fire. And get ready for the 2nd Annual District 7 Hunters Safety Camp! Where 4-Hers can learn about hunting safety, wildlife conservation, survival skills, shoot an assortment of weapons and receive their hunters safety license!
Who? District 7 4-H members ages 12 and up. 4-Hers must be 12 at the time of camp to attend.
When? October 19th – 21st, 2012
Where? Game Warden Training Center in Star, Texas
Cost? $60 per person (At time of registration)
How do I get involved? To register or volunteer as a chaperone contact Extension Agent Nick Gonzales.
Deadline? 4:00 pm, September 28th
There are only 30 spots available so sign up now!!! Registration will be on a first come, first serve basis.
If you need more information or questions please contact Nick Gonzales at the Extension Office.
Educational programs of the Texas AgriLife Extension Service are open to all people without regard to race, color, sex, disability, religion, age or national origin. The Texas A&M University System, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the County Commissioners’ Courts of Texas Cooperating