“There’s still time to put your name in the hat for a chance to win a new 4×6 ft Ranch King Deer blind with a five foot tower, but don’t wait too long and miss out!,” say officials at Good Samaritan Ministries.
Tickets for the blind, which has been donated by Big Country Ford, are $10 and are available at Big Country Ford, Hawk Hill Sales in Early, Good Samaritan Ministries, KOXE Radio, Wendlee Broadcasting and Weakley Watson.
All proceeds from ticket sales will go to The Deer Project of Good Samaritan Ministries, a program that allows hunters to donate legally tagged and harvested deer to participating processors who, in turn, grind the venison and send it to the GSM food pantry.
The drawing for the tickets will be held on Saturday, October 6 at Big Country Ford. The blind can be seen most days at Big Country Ford. It will also be displayed at several different locations throughout the month.