The annual Robert E. Howard Days event is fast approaching and fans will travel to Cross Plains, Texas in June to celebrate his life and popular creations.
Robert E. Howard Days 2012 will be held Friday and Saturday, June 8th & 9th in Cross Plains. This year’s event will celebrate the 80th Birthday of Conan the Barbarian. Robert E. Howard’s creation first appeared in the pages of Weird Tales in 1932 and has been featured in books, comics, and movies for the past 80 years.
Howard is the creator of Conan, Kull, Red Sonja, Bran Mak Morn, Solomon Kane, Steve Costigan, Westerns, boxing, horror, and more titles that were published in Weird Tales during the 1920’s and 1930’s.
The Robert E Howard Foundation, The Robert E Howard United Press Association, and Project Pride are pleased to announce that Charles Hoffman has accepted an invitation to be the 2012 Guest of Honor at Robert E. Howard Days.
Chuck is one of the most formidable essayists in Howard studies. His “Conan the Existentialist,” which appeared in Amra 61 (March 1974), was the opening salvo of what has come to be called “the new criticism” of Howard, criticism that took him seriously as a writer whose work had depth and substance along with the excitement and adventure. Prior to that essay, most Howard “criticism” consisted of book reviews (though some, like those of Schuyler Miller and Fritz Leiber, showed real insight) or introductions by fans who failed to take him seriously (John D. Clark famously proclaiming, “Don’t look for hidden philosophical meanings or intellectual puzzles in these yarns–they aren’t there.”). Chuck showed that Howard could not only provide rousing action, but rewarded closer reading as well. Patrice Louinet says, “‘Conan the Existentialist’ is the essay that made me want to study & write about Howard. It was a pure revelation.”
Chuck co-authored, with his long-time friend Marc Cerasini, Robert E. Howard: Starmont Reader’s Guide 35, a book that remains the most impressive critical overview of Howard’s entire corpus. A revised edition, originally planned for publication in 2006, is expected from the REH Foundation Press in 2012. (There’s a fine interview with Chuck and Marc, conducted by Steve Tompkins, over at the Cimmerian Blog archive.) Chuck and Marc also edited the first two issues of the journal Cromlech, the first periodical publication devoted to serious scholarship and criticism of REH. Determined that Howard studies should have a continuing vehicle for such work, I used Cromlech as my model when I started The Dark Man.
Reflecting on the history of Robert E. Howard, event organizers are planning to host other panels and events.
Below is the schedule of activities in Cross Plains for Howard Days 2012:
8:30 – 9 am: Coffee and donuts at the Pavilion, compliments of Project Pride
9 am – 4 pm: Robert E. Howard House Museum open to the public.
9 am – 4 pm: REH Postal Cancellation at Cross Plains Post Office
9 am – 11 am: Bus Tour of Cross Plains
10 am – 5 pm: Cross Plains Public Library open
11:00: PANEL: Glenn Lord Tribute (Library)
Noon: Lunch hosted by Project Pride. Donations Welcome.
10:00 am to 4 pm: Pavilion available for REH items Swap Meet
1:00 pm: PANEL: Conan the Existentialist (Library)
2:30 pm: PANEL: Conan’s Birthday! (Library)
5:30 – 6:30: Silent Auction items available for viewing & bidding at Banquet site
6:30: Robert E. Howard Celebration Banquet & Silent Auction at the at the Baptist Church Family Life Center in Cross Plains.
Following the Banquet & Silent Auction: The Third Annual Robert E. Howard Foundation Awards.
9:00 pm PANEL: Fists at the Ice House (at the Ice House).
Afterward there will be some extemporaneous REH Poetry Reading at the Pavilion.
9 am – 4 pm: Robert E. Howard House Museum open to the public.
9 am – 4 pm: BARBARIAN FESTIVAL held this year at Treadway Park, 3 blocks west of REH House
10 am – 3 pm: Cross Plains Public Library open
10:30 am PANEL: REH at the Gates of Academia (Library)
10:00 a.m. to 4 pm: Pavilion available for REH items Swap Meet
Noon: The Robert E. Howard Foundation Legacy Circle Members Luncheon at Mexico City Cafe.
Lunch & Festival Activities at your leisure during the day
2:00 pm PANEL: The Illustrated Conan (Library)
3:30 pm PANEL:What’s Up with REH? (at the Pavilion)
5 pm: Sunset BBQ at the Caddo Peak Ranch
PLEASE NOTE: The Robert E. Howard House Museum will be open again this year on Thursday (June 7th) from 2-4 pm. No docents on duty.
Robert E. Howard grave site: A visit to the site at the Greenleaf Cemetery in Brownwood is not an “official” activity of REH Days, but those interested may visit there at any time. Directions are available at the Howard House, as are directions to Novalyne Price Ellis’ grave site between Brownwood and Bangs.
Pre-registration is not necessary to participate in the weekend’s festivities. All are welcome to attend, visit the House, and enjoy all of the activities free of charge. Project Pride likes to pre-register people primarily to get a head count of how many will be attending the banquet on Friday night. All the panels, tours, Swap Meet, Pavilion activities, etc. are presented at no cost. Registration fee covers coffee & donuts Friday morning, lunch at the Pavilion Friday noon, the Friday Banquet and the Saturday BBQ.
The cost for pre-registration this year is $15 per person. Please send your name(s) & address with a check or money order or NOW register via PayPal: [email protected].
Project Pride: Attn: REH Days 2012 Pre-registration, PO Box 534, Cross Plains, TX 76443.
For more detailed information CLICK HERE to visit the Robert E. Howard United Press Association website.