For the upcoming road game to Stephenville, also known as the Battle of 377, the BHS Lion Crew wants to encourage everyone to “maroon out” the stands and support our team. In addition, Crew members are selling commemorative t-shirts for this game. Adult and youth short sleeve t-shirts will be available for $12 (cash only) at BHS on Wednesday – Friday, September 7-9 (the three days leading up to the game). The shirts are Brownwood Lion maroon and printed on two sides (see artwork above).
The Crew will only order a limited number of shirts and these will go on a first come first serve basis. If you would like to reserve your shirt, pre-orders will be set aside and can be delivered to you.
To pre-order/reserve shirt(s), email Jessica Morgan http://mce_host/ [email protected] or contact one of the current Lion Crew members. Orders can also be placed by email at [email protected]. Be sure to include sizes and quantities needed. The 2011-2012 Crew members are as follows: Colbie Crow, Nat De La Torre, T. J. Eparza, Megan Joyner, Madison McKillip, Dakota Pulley, Grace Randolph, Chris Ratliff, Jaci Richards, Dominic Rosato, Larisa Salazar, Cameron Seale, Trey Smith, Cody Snyder, Sheldon Stone, Marina Williams, and Brandon Wollgast.
Lion Crew members want to encourage all Brownwood Lion fans to make the trip to Stephenville for this exciting game on September 9th and bring all the cowbells they can find! Let’s drown out the Jacket shakers!! Cowbells can be purchased at several local merchants.