March 24 – Deadline to Order State Steer/Heifer Tags
24 – Deadline to Order State Fair Lamb/Goat/Swine Tags
April 1 – County Deadline to Sign Up for District 7 4-H Roundup
1 – County Deadline for Senior Photography
18 – Extension Office Closed for Good Friday
Below is a list of deadlines for the upcoming 4-H contest. If you are planning to participate in any of these contests, please contact the Extension Office by the deadline.
April 1st – District 7 4-H Roundup
- Educational Presentations
- Public Speaking
- 4-H Talent Showcase
April 1st – Senior Photography
April 28th – Junior/Intermediate Photography
It is hard to believe that it is already that time again to purchase state steer tags. If you are planning on showing a steer in any 2025-2026 major stock shows you must purchase a state validation tag. The state has increased the cost for steer and heifer tags therefore, the cost is $27 per tag and the deadline to purchase a tag is March 24th. Please contact the Extension Office to purchase your steer tag.
If you have a heifer that was not validated in October 2024 or if you are changing ownership and are planning to participate in a major stock show before November 2024, that heifer will need to be validated in June the cost will be $27 per heifer. If you are not planning to show a heifer at West Texas Fair, State Fair, or Heart of Texas you will have another opportunity to validate in October 2024. Please contact the Extension Office by March 24th.
If you are in 4-H and planning on participating at the State Fair in Dallas with lamb/goat/swine, you will need to purchase a tag.
- State Fair Lamb/Goat tags are $17.00 each
- State Fair Swine tags are $18.00 each
The deadline to order tags is MARCH 24th.
Validation is required for showing at district or state horse shows, and its
purpose is to certify that ownership requirements have been met. The horse MUST be owned solely by the 4-H member, his/her parents (biological or stepparents), brother, sister, grandparents, or legal guardian. Horses under lease to, but not owned by any of the named persons, do NOT qualify. Horses owned in partnership or jointly with any person other than those previously listed do NOT meet ownership requirements. The horse validation process will be completed electronically using the 4-H Connect online management system.
All 4-H members who wish to show at the District Show or the State 4-H Horse Show will be REQUIRED to validate their horse(s) on the 4-H Online system. Horse validation is completed for EACH HORSE and will cover all 4-H youth members in that family profile. When validating your horse(s) on 4-H Connect, you will select ONLY ONE 4-H youth member to conduct the validation under. Once a horse is validated, validation paid, and you begin registering for the District Horse Show, the validated horse(s) can be moved to the appropriate 4-H member(s) that will be exhibiting the horse in the show.
Validation will be open from March 1st to MAY 1st. Any horse validated before or after this date will NOT be accepted. An illustrated step-by-step instruction guide for families is available for download and reference on both the Texas 4-H website (http://texas4-h.tamu.edu/) and the Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science – Equine Science website (http://animalscience.tamu.edu/academics/equine/state-4h-show/). Validation cost for each horse is $10.00 from March 1st – April 15th. From April 16th – May 1st validation cost for each horse is $20.00. Credit Card will be the only acceptable form of payment. If you have any questions, please contact Nick Gonzales at the Extension Office.
Lease horses are now eligible to be validated and shown at District and State 4-H Horse Shows. An official Texas 4-H Horse Lease Agreement must be signed by the exhibitor, horse owner, and the supervising County Extension Agent. The lease period must include, at minimum, May 1st to August 31st of the current 4-H year. The lease agreement form can be found at https://texasyouthlivestock.com/horse-validation/ and must be uploaded to 4H Online at the time of validation.
The 2025 district horse show will be held in San Angelo, Texas on June 10th.
The Central Texas Master Gardeners Association is offering a scholarship to graduating seniors in our area who are planning to pursue a degree in an agriculture related field. This would include, but not be limited to, horticulture, plant and soil science, range management, natural resources management, agriculture education, animal science, and wildlife management. If you are interested in applying contact the Extension Office for an application. The deadline to apply is April 14th.
Harry & Mary Clark Holt Scholarship
The Harry & Mary Clark Holt Scholarship will be awarded to a graduating senior
or a student who has just completed their freshman year in college. An applicant can receive this scholarship only one time. Applicant must be or have been a member of 4-H, FFA, or FCCLA in the Big Country. The Big Country is defined as the following counties:
Brown, Callahan, Coleman, Fisher, Jones, Nolan, Runnels, Shackelford, Taylor, Tom Green
Preference will be given to students with an Agriculture Major. Applicant must have a 75 or better overall grade average. A copy of High School and/or College transcript is required. If you are interested in applying contact the Brown County Extension Office for a application.
Applications are due in the Taylor County Extension Office by May 16.
The enrollment process for the 2024-2025 4-H year begins August 15, 2024. All 4-H families, new and returning, are encouraged to log in and enroll to become an official 4-H member.
As you begin your enrollment for the year, here are some tips in using 4-H CONNECT:
• If you already have a profile DO NOT create another one!
• If you lost your email and password, call the county office so we can reset, it for you.
• Active membership will not be granted until the $25.00 participation fee is paid on 4-H Connect!
• You cannot register or participate in an event until your profile is ACTIVE.
• When you are doing your re-enrollment for the 2024-2025 4-H Year please make sure you update your address, phone number, and e-mail address.
• For any youth who is joining 4-H in 2024-2025 for the first time as a 3rd/4th grader we ask for you NOT TO ENROLL until September 1st. September 1st is the actual first day of the new 4-H year and what is used to calculate grade/age. If a 2nd grader moving into 3rd grade enrolls before September 1st it will “tag” them as a Clover Kid, not charge an enrollment fee and lock them in as a Clover Kid for the year.
Don’t wait until the last minute to enroll because after October 31st the cost increases to $30!!
The Texas 4-H fee schedule is below:
$25.00 – Club Member Enrollment Discounted Fee: August 15 – October 31
$30.00 – Club Member Enrollment Regular Fee: November 1 to the completion of 4-H year
$10.00 – Clover Kid Enrollment Regular Fee
$10.00 – Adult Volunteer Application Fee