Well, I’m not sure when this happened, at least the exact date, but I’m a sports fan. If I’m not, I would be a little bit accident prone.
I think I was 2 years old when I fell off the porch. For the first time, at 2 years old, I didn’t know it but they took me to the hospital and they did their thing and I got ok. They found I had a broken collar bone.
The second time I broke it I was 10 or 11 years old and I was actually playing in a football game. A football game, which I very seldom if ever played. Anyway, I went up for a pass and came down with about three guys on top of me, so at age 10 or there about I had a second broken collar bone. Then came the third one – yeah, third. I was running track, or practicing running track with two other guys. Believe it or not I got ahead of one of them and was about to win the race. He leaped and shoved me at the same time to get me out of the way and when I came down, guess what, another broken collar bone.
I guess the only good thing about breaking them back then was the way they were treated. At least it made you feel like you were being treated for something as it was healing. Back then, I guess before anybody got brains or whatever the case might be, they put everybody in a cast. I mean two times I remember being in school and being in a cast from about my bellybutton up to my chin. That was my cast and the guys back then said, “You’re a sissy. What have you got that big cast on for?” It was very irritating to say the least. You were in a full cast and there probably wasn’t any reason for it. When you got out of it you had spent a month or two basically incapacitated by a broken collar bone which always seemed a little ridiculous to me.
I had three broken collar bones in my life and my dad was very upset with me breaking collar bones like I was. He went with me to the doctor. He asked if there was a reason I was breaking all these collar bones so the doctor ran these tests and everything and decided it was just a fluke – just the way it was.
There was no medical reason I was breaking my collar bone. But, I was and so the doctor said he couldn’t tell him it’s such and such doing it or not doing it, or the bones are fragile or whatever. He said it was just a fluke and there wasn’t anything that was causing it that he could find and it was simply just happening.
Now days it’s embarrassing to watch kids when you run into them in the hallways or something and they’ve got their arm in a sling and you ask what happened to them. They say, “I broke my collar bone and I’m going to be out a few days and they had to wrap it up.”
Anyway, I broke my collar bone pretty good. I determined the rest of my life I would do everything possible to not break my collar bone again. So, I did by not playing any sports or anything like that. But, it’s funny how things like that happen but they do. I don’t know why it happened, but I always thought that somehow I had broken it for a reason but I guess not.
Until next time, so long everybody.
‘Out of the Box’ with Dallas Huston is published each Monday morning at BrownwoodNews.com. Dallas was the radio voice of the Brownwood Lions and Howard Payne Yellow Jackets for more than 55 years. He currently is Pastor of Center City Baptist Church and hosts a Men’s Bible Study in Brownwood on Monday evenings. Your comments are welcome at [email protected]