More than 70 members of the Texas High School Baseball Coaches Association attended Saturday’s Hard 90 Baseball Clinic at the Snodgrass Facility at Brownwood High School, hosted by Lions baseball head coach Blake Sandford.
The free clinic began at 9:30 a.m. Saturday and featured the following presentations:
Lexington’s Labaron Graham – Nuts and bolts behind the scenes
Prosper’s Brendan Clary – Opponent scoting and assistant coach roles
San Antonio Warren’s Waynne Warren – Pitching and offseason throwing
San Antonio Bradeis’ Steven Hutcherson – Baserunning
Thrall’s Justin Adams – F.U.N. practices
Aubrey’s Nathan Henry – Batting practice formats and multi-position/multi-sport guys
Brownwood’s Blake Sandford – Relational coaching
“Coaches giving back to coaches is how the idea started,” Sandford said. “I thought we could have a little roundtable and started emailing coaches that if they were interested I’d be willing to share everything we do, and it grew fast. I thought at first we could hold it at a restaurant, but it turned into a big deal.”
Sandford said the plan is to hold the event again next year with additional speakers on different topics.