I’ve been absent without leave. I’ve been bad. Sometimes, writing isn’t a direct line between a beginning and a destination. Sometimes it’s a very interrupted walk, meandering among the trees, restarting, searching, resting.
That makes it sound spiritual, at least.
The weather (and by that I mean summer-like heat) seems to have finally broken, at least in the early mornings when we walk. It wasn’t cool enough for a sweater during the walk, but an hour later it was as I sat outside and watched downtown start to come to life. There is the promise of fall in the air.
We have a small pumpkin out front. It’s our little way of making the season festive. We do what we can.
This past week, a friend I’ve known professionally online for more than 7 years, came to Brownwood. He’d never been here before, and he’d been invited (with his son) to come do some hunting for a few days. He contacted me and we agreed to meet up at Wild Duck Bar and Grill. The food was great and the conversation was too. We talked about our downtown revitalization, and compared the offerings here to bigger places we’ve all been. Then we did a mini-tour of downtown.
A few days later, my friend messaged me and he told me that he’d been surprised at all there was to do downtown: “I’d love to come back and see more. It’s a cool little downtown.” Even though his first impression, as a big city slicker, was that Brownwood was just another town with a Walmart, after touring around downtown, visiting the bookstore, and getting some food, he’s anxious to come back. What does that tell you? What should that tell those of you who live in Brown County and you never come downtown?
This weekend should be a heckuva fun time Downtown, starting with the Feels Like Home preview beginning at 4 pm on Friday and going until 7pm (or later for many joints.) Almost every business downtown has something special going on. Make sure to read the agenda carefully, there is Here is a partial list, stolen from the Facebook Page:
Intermission Bookshop—Open until 7 pm! Bargain Books on carts out front!
TommyHawk—Open until 7 PM! Spin & SAVE Wheel!
Rocking Oak Woodworks—Open until 7 PM!
Over the Rainbow – Open with Hanna Splits & $5 Flights
Grits and Grace—Open until 7 PM! Specials! Complimentary Snacks & Drinks!
Shaw’s Marketplace—Complimentary Refreshments! Sips with Margarita Samples!
Sweets! The first ten customers in from 5-7 PM Receives a $10 Shaw’s Gift Card to Spend that Evening!
Center Avenue Coffee (inside Shaw’s)—Open until 7 PM! 20% OFF Purchase!
Fuzzy’s Taco Shop—$3 Margaritas! $3 Cans of Beer! BOGO OG Tacos!
Brownwood Music & Pro Audio—Extended hours and Providing Good Music at Pat Coursey Park from 5-7 PM!
Glamour Shop—Open until 7 PM!
On-Time Cigar Lounge—Open until 10:30 PM! 10% OFF All Accessories!
The Wells Team—Outside Photo Booth (The Good Booth)! Outside DIY Hat Bar! Open House!
Snacks! Wine! Sitting Area! Drawing for Giveaway!
Luna Maya—Complimentary Refreshments! Fun Deals!
The Lyric Theatre—Fundraiser for Brownwood Municipal Police Association (Sponsored by Jacob’s Family Pharmacy & Weakly Watsons ACE Hardware): Movie Showing of “O Brother, Where Art Thou?” at 7:30 PM! Coincides with Dan Tyminski Band & East Nashville Grass Live Concert (the performers on the musical track of the movie) on Sun. Oct. 20(7:30PM)! Homemade Bake Sale throughout the weekend for the
Baked Artisan Goods—Open Until 7 PM!
Fancy’s Day Spa—Open Until 7PM!
The Fringe Whole Body & Beauty Co./ Lashed by The Rose Tribe—Open until 7 PM! Deals & Refreshments!
Hamilton’s—Brighton Trunk Show! Specials! Pop-Up Shops: RockVisions, Bloom
Zhymaras Bakery, Ward on Vines, & Dogs and Wreaths! Food Trucks Outside; Mel’s Treats and Party On Wheels Mobile Bar!
The Hen House Boutique—Open until 7 PM! Snacks! Drinks! Sales All Day!
Nathana’s—Complimentary Wine & Appetizers! Spray Tan Specials & Permanent Jewelry 4-7 PM!
Samantha Rodriguez Photography—Complimentary Wine! Discounts on Booked Sessions!
Copper Brand—Open Until 7PM! Complimentary Snacks! Sales!
10Mile Tasting Room—Open Until 10:30 PM!
The Turtle Restaurant—Open Patio! Featuring Octoberfest!
Elite Ave—Pop-Up Vendors! Sales! Permanent Jewelry! Skin Care Event & More!
And that’s just the preview! The Weekend continues with the Feels Like Home Festival – the first of its kind to be held at the new Brownwood Venue, and it should be something else. There are big-name bands and local ones, too, and lots of food and drink. Overall, it is a world-class festival right here in our little town, and the weather looks perfect – mid-70s on both days.
Don’t miss it. And if you see me walking around, say Hi!
Michael Bunker is a local columnist for BrownwoodNews.com whose columns appear on Wednesdays and Sundays on the website.