What are “Buddy Checks”? In May of 2019, the American Legion Passed Resolution 18 that encouraged American Legion Posts to reach out to its members legion wide and local veterans in their communities. The concept of the “Buddy Check” was to reconnect with Veterans who may need help and don’t know where to go or who to ask. It was suggested that the American Legion Posts conduct the “Buddy Checks” once a year, on November 11th, Veterans Day. In my opinion, once a year is not enough.
Since becoming Commander, I have instructed the membership to check on one another, not once a year, but OFTEN. I would like to invite our community; non members and members of the American Legion, to join us in identifying Veterans who may be in need of support.
In my previous article on “PTSD”, I noted Brown County resources available to local veterans. To name a few, the VA clinic – Brownwood Office, Brown County Veterans Service Office and Texas Veterans Commission Office.
During the week of July 9th to the 14th, The Texas Department of the American Legion held its annual Convention in Austin. The Post Adjutant, John Miller, and I attended the Convention as representatives of American Legion Post #196. During one of the guest speaker presentations, a member of the American Legion Auxiliary started her speech on the importance of “Buddy Checks”. For me, it was a very emotional speech as she spoke of her American Legion family member and the fact that NO ONE had contacted them. NO BUDDY CHECK. We (The American Legion) failed that member and most importantly a Veteran. That is UNACCEPTABLE. She concluded her presentation with a challenge to all present to please check on members and Veterans in their communities.
That is what we will do. I may not have all the answers and for those I don’t, we will direct the Veteran to our local resources.
American Legion Post #196 is located at 1600 Burnett, across from Hendrick Hospital, in Memorial Park. Post meetings are the second Tuesday of each month. A meal is provided at 1800 hours followed by a Post meeting at 1900 hours.
In each upcoming article, I will recognize local businesses who support our veterans: Hendrick Medical Center, Accel Health, Lyric Theater and Big County Ford. Thank you for your support.
Follow Post #196 on facebook: American Legion Post 196 – Brownwood
Yesterday we served our country, Today we serve our Community

American Legion District #21 Finance Officer.