[Story by Emily Hughitt]
After 12 years of teaching and 7 years at Early ISD, Jamee Atkinson said she became a teacher because she loved the connections she was able to have with her students.
“First, it was because I loved what I was teaching, English and History. I loved the content,” Atkinson said. “Then, I found that I really just loved the kids I was teaching, teenagers, and the relationships that I formed with them. I loved what they brought to my life and what I could bring to theirs.”
Atkinson added that her biggest inspiration for becoming a teacher was her mom, Beth Renfro.
“My mom was a fabulous teacher. She did it for over 30 years. She was dedicated to her school and her students. I saw the impact that she had, and I loved it,” said Atkinson.
Atkinson started her teaching career in 2011 at May ISD, and she said she is excited to see what the future of education holds.
“There are many changes happening for the better. I know that we hear a lot of the negative side of education, but education is becoming more innovative every year, more interactive and engaging.”