Dr. Richard Fiese, Professor of Music; Dean of the School of Fine Arts, Howard Payne University and students Connor Benoist of Florence, Texas and
Chance Harmon of Archer City, Texas, spent an hour holding the entirety of the Brookesmith elementary in absolute thrall! Dr. Fiese and his enthusiastic
students explained the elements of music to the 60-plus Brookesmith Kindergarten thru 5th grade students. Dr. Fiese began with the “recorder”, a very familiar instrument
in Texas elementary schools, and explained what made that instrument produce its unique sound. He then moved on to vibrating string, percussion, wind and
woodwind instruments.
His student assistants each provided personal anecdotes about the origins of their interest in music. Their stories and demonstrated abilities with a variety of instruments
created a flood of questions and expressions of interest among the children. To the children’s delight, Benoist and Harmon played a number of song requests for them.
Students were then allowed to examine a number of instruments and ask various questions. Judging by the overwhelmingly positive reaction of the students, this was time well spent.
We appreciate Dr. Fiese’s and Howard Payne University’s willingness to work together to explore the possibility of establishing a music program for the children of Brookesmith Elementary School.