We are actually having real spring weather it appears. We are not going from late winter straight into summer. We are still in a drought, but spring is here so now we can straighten up and spruce up the home landscape.
We can start by getting rid of weeds. This long drought has led to an increase in weeds. We are seeing some new broadleaf weeds we didn’t have before. If you do not have many trees and shrubs in your landscape, then a weed-and-feed all in one product will probably work. If you do have trees and shrubs, then weed-and-feed products are not recommended. The weed part is actually an herbicide, and it can be detrimental to your yard trees and shrubs. It is recommended to control the weeds in the lawn prior to applying fertilizer. We don’t want to fertilize the weeds. There are some good post-emergent sprays that are labeled to use in the yard to continue to raise the mowing height. You do not want your turf grass to be short/scalped once we get into the hot summer temperatures.
After you have mowed a few times this spring then we can apply fertilizer. Select a granular fertilizer blend that has a 3-1-1 or 3-1-2 ratio of the three main ingredients nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. So, a blend similar to 15-5-5 or 15-5-10 is recommended. The amount of fertilizer to apply to your yard is based on nitrogen, the first number on the bag. If you purchase a 50lb bag of 15-5-5 fertilizer, there will be 75lbs of actual nitrogen in that bag. It is recommended to apply 1lb of nitrogen per 1,000sq ft. Most people over fertilize. Be sure to water in the fertilizer well to avoid burning the turfgrass with the fertilizer.
The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA), in cooperation with Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, will be hosting a free Agricultural Pesticide Waste Collection Event in Erath County on April 30, 2024. The event will run from 8 a.m. to noon at the Cowboy Capital Fairgrounds in Stephenville, TX.
The collection is a drive-up service, and those dropping off can remain inside their vehicle. Pesticides need to be in their original containers, even if the label is not present. If the container is damaged, place it into a larger chemical resistant container.
Event location:
Cowboy Capital Fairgrounds
9461 US Hwy 67
Stephenville, TX 76401
Tuesday, April 30, 2024
8 a.m. – Noon
Accepted items include outdated, discontinued, unknown, or unwanted: pesticides; insecticides; herbicides; fungicides; rodenticides; nematicides; growth regulators; and treated seed.
Items not accepted include pesticide rinsate; empty totes; dioxins (2,4-5T, Silvex, TCDD, etc.); fertilizers; fumigant canisters; phostoxins; methyl-bromide cylinders; explosive ordinances and ammunition; household hazardous waste; oil; paint; propane or butane cylinders; radioactive substances; and tires.
For questions or more information contact:
TDA Austin Headquarters at (512) 463-7622
TDA Dallas Regional Office at (214) 631-0265
Email: [email protected]
For more information on the Texas Pesticide Waste Collection Program or to sign up to receive email updates, please visit our Pesticide Waste Collection Website.
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension is excited to invite you to our upcoming webinar addressing the Seasonal Climate Outlook in West Texas, which will be held virtually on Monday, April 22nd, 2024, at 12:00pm.
In this insightful session, Amy Campbell, Meteorologist in Charge at the National Weather Service in San Angelo, will delve into what we can expect as the NWS predicts El Niño to fade in the coming months and a La Niña watch to be issued.
Don’t miss out on this valuable opportunity to gain valuable insights. Secure your spot today by registering through the following link: https://bit.ly/AgSCO
We look forward to your participation!